Southwick Zoo Trip Review

Southwick ZooName: Southwick Zoo
Location: Mendon, Massachusetts
Length of stay: 3 hours

The Southwick Zoo is a nice, out of the way location for a zoo. It was easy to get to and easy to navigate inside. The area was clean and well maintained. The map was easy to follow to find the different animals. They have many different types of animals and provide lots of information.

The girls and I did a wide loop around the zoo. We started at the bottom of the map and worked our way back up. The girls liked all the interactive areas. We went from one animal to the next. We took time to rest and relax. We did the train ride, which costs extra, and learned about some North American animals. The petting zoo was a lot of fun. The girls enjoyed the animals and got to pet several of the goats. They enjoyed the whole trip.

Southwick Zoo

Here are just a few of the animals that we saw. The girls liked that they got to see some of the animals eating as well as some babies.

Southwick Zoo
Southwick Zoo

We will be going back again. We did not get to see everything during this visit.

Cassie –


  1. I love Southwicks! I have pictures of my son when he was around 7 months old feeding the deer there. I need to go again this year (He is now 2 1/2). My parents took my son last year for a grandparents outing. I’m an animal person and he is turning out to be one as well. I like how I get to see different things in Massachusetts as most blogs I see are from down south or mid-west and I have no idea about the places that they visit. Very happy to have found you.

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