Easy to Use Thanksgiving Calendar Set for 2016 {Free}

Over the last few years, I have learned that my girls love calendars. Even though my girls are older they still love having their themed calendars. It is one reason I update the seasonal ones for each year. For November we have the free Thanksgiving calendar set.

Thanksgiving is a great time of the year. It is a time of giving thanks and focusing on the harvest of the year. It is on of the reasons I picked the cornucopia and turkey for the pattern calendar set. Kids love having changes but sometimes it is nice to have the same things.

Free 2016 Thanksgiving Calendar Set - 3Dinosaurs.com

This printable set has two different parts: the calendar cards and the single page calendars. I have both because you have kids at different levels that want or need different things. My girls are always asking for a calendar they can use. I like that I can just print one off for each month. We used a lot of the calendar cards when we did preschool at home.

The calendar cards are really easy to print and keep each year. If want to see how to print the cards smaller check out the post here. There are two sets of calendar cards. You can see them below.

The calendar cards are 3 inches by 3 inches. They are made to fit in most monthly calendar pocket chart.

The first set of cards has 6 repeating cards. There is cornucopia, turkey, girl pilgrim, cooked turkey, boy pilgrim, and pumpkin & pie.

Free 2016 Thanksgiving Calendar Set - 3Dinosaurs.com

The pattern set has cornucopia and turkey. Both a fun thanksgiving themes. This thanksgiving set has an AABB pattern set.

Free 2016 Thanksgiving Calendar Set - 3Dinosaurs.com

The single page calendars are loads of fun for kids. There are 6 different versions: blank calendar, color pattern, trace the number, color number, trace & write the number, and dot the number. These versions allow you to use them for various ages. You can follow the pattern one that matches up with the calendar cards. You can trace the numbers each day or at the start of the month. These really are flexible to your child’s learning style. This year the blank calendar is new. My oldest wanted her own calendar to use that had the numbers there already.

I love that you can pick and choose the pages you will use. The trace and write the number was a favorite I added into some of the sets last year.

Free 2016 Thanksgiving Calendar Set - 3Dinosaurs.com

We love the dot marker pages in this pritnable. It could be done at any time. It has 1 to 30 for kids to dot marker or color.

Free 2016 Thanksgiving Calendar Set - 3Dinosaurs.com

Graphics purchased from Scrapping Doodles

Scrappin Doodles License.

What you will Find in these Thanksgiving Calendar printables:
Thanksgiving Calendar set: Days of the weeks, November, 2016, 2017, and 1 to 30 numbers (3×3).
Thanksgiving Pattern Calendar: November, 2016, 2017, and 1 to 30 numbers (3×3).
Thanksgiving Single Page Calendar: 6 pages of November, 2016 – blank calendar, color pattern, trace the number, color number, trace & write the number, and dot the number.

Thanksgiving Calendar Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out all the Thanksgiving Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Thanksgiving Printables & Activities

Looking for more Fall Printables then check out all of them on 3 Dinosaurs.

Check out all the printables from the 31 Days of Free Printables October 2016!

31 Day of Pritnables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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