
Zoo Themed Time Task Cards

There are loads of areas that I’m working toward having more of. I always seem to forget about working on time. I know that there are always fun activities around a clock that you can do. Zoo has always been a favorite theme during the summer and sometimes all year long. I know that animals…

August 2016 Book Finds

Every month is a new challenge to find new books! We are always reading pictures books. Yes, EVEN my 10-year-old reads pictures books. Reading of any kind is important. Plus not all pictures books are at the same easy reading level. All books have different degrees in reading level. It is fun to have a…

Book Finds April 2014

Look for new books to read to you kids? Check out April 2014 Book Finds! You are going to the wordless books, over coming fears, finding what is different and books with humor in them. Each month we are always looking for new books. You never know what book you are going to find. This…

Free Zoo Pack Update!

The Zoo pack has finally been updated. The original Pack was over 110 pages long! These Zoo update printables are to be used with children from 2 to 8. These can be used with various Zoo books. They include many different animals and areas: safari, tropical, arctic, Alaskan, pond, outback, and woodland. Graphic purchased from…

Southwick Zoo Trip Review

Name: Southwick Zoo Location: Mendon, Massachusetts Website: http://www.southwickszoo.com/ Length of stay: 3 hours The Southwick Zoo is a nice, out of the way location for a zoo. It was easy to get to and easy to navigate inside. The area was clean and well maintained. The map was easy to follow to find the different…