wordless books

September 2016 Book Finds

Every month we love to look for picture books. Yes, even my 11-year-old looks and reads picture books. There are so many different levels of books kids can read. This month my girls each picked one book they liked, and I picked out three that I liked. A lot of these came from our library…

August 2016 Book Finds

Every month is a new challenge to find new books! We are always reading pictures books. Yes, EVEN my 10-year-old reads pictures books. Reading of any kind is important. Plus not all pictures books are at the same easy reading level. All books have different degrees in reading level. It is fun to have a…

October 2015 Book Finds

October was a huge month for our book finds! We had so much fun looking and reading the books. It is always fun to find a new book and read it with kids. We are always looking at the bookstore and the library. I find that having hands on looking at books is great for…

May 2015 Book Finds

Each month we have a fun time looking for books. We always try and have a mix of books that we found at the store and at the library. We have a good mix of books for this month. I love to see what fun books the girls pick out. They each have favorites from…

February 2015 Book Finds

These books are a collection of stuff that we bought and books we got at the library. We love looking for new book. There are always fun books to read. This months we had some favorite authors with new books for us to read and some new authors for us as well. Pete the Cat:…

January 2015 Book Finds

Another month has come and gone. We have found so many new books we loved it was hard to just pick a few of them to share. This is a mix of library and books we bought. There are so many new and wonderful books to find when you look for them. The collection of…

June 2014 Book Finds

Each month we look book finds at the library or the store. We always have fun with this. It is something fun to do and we love it. This month is a combination of library and store finds. Don’t be afraid to ask at the store or the library what new books have come in….

May 2014 Book Finds

Every month we look for different books. We always find new books each month. This months books are some fun ones, there is a wordless book, mommy book, bedtime and book with just 2 words. These were all library finds! I always encourage people to use the library! We love the library and I think…

Book Finds April 2014

Look for new books to read to you kids? Check out April 2014 Book Finds! You are going to the wordless books, over coming fears, finding what is different and books with humor in them. Each month we are always looking for new books. You never know what book you are going to find. This…