
Hanukkah Ten Frame Cards

We have always love dreidels as part of Hanukkah. And I thought they would make a great theme for Hanukkah with a ten frame set. You can have fun spinning and counting with dreidels! The Free Hanukkah Ten Frame Cards are great for working on numbers! I always get more requests for these because they…

Free Hanukkah Pack Update

Here is a small update to the Original Hanukkah Pack! Lots of new pages added and activities for Hanukkah for the different ages. You have a mix of hands-on Hanukkah activities and no-prep Hanukkah worksheets. All that works great for tot, preschool, prek, kindergarten and first grade. We have included links to some of the…

Free Hanukkah Calendar Cards

The next calendar set out is Hanukkah! This year Hanukkah lands on Thanksgiving. So I made these cards so that we could start using them in November. It is going to be an interesting time. we celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas at our house. It is always fun to have different ways to explore things. This…

Hanukkah Sensory Bin!

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission. This is a great addition to the Hanukkah activities on the site. I have been exploring Hanukkah with the girls. It has been a great fun….