
August 2016 Book Finds

Every month is a new challenge to find new books! We are always reading pictures books. Yes, EVEN my 10-year-old reads pictures books. Reading of any kind is important. Plus not all pictures books are at the same easy reading level. All books have different degrees in reading level. It is fun to have a…

June 2015 Book Finds

Each month we look for books. Some we get at the book store or trips we take. We also get lots of books from the library. I love using the library for new books or new authors. We are always looking for fun new books to read. Don’t forget that summer is a great time…

January 2015 Book Finds

Another month has come and gone. We have found so many new books we loved it was hard to just pick a few of them to share. This is a mix of library and books we bought. There are so many new and wonderful books to find when you look for them. The collection of…