
July 2015 Book Finds

We had lots of fun looking at books this month. We have been very busy filling in our summer reading charts. We had tons of books that we read this month. There was always a fun new book to find. We have been checking out 20 to 30 books a week right now. It was…

June 2015 Book Finds

Each month we look for books. Some we get at the book store or trips we take. We also get lots of books from the library. I love using the library for new books or new authors. We are always looking for fun new books to read. Don’t forget that summer is a great time…

May 2015 Book Finds

Each month we have a fun time looking for books. We always try and have a mix of books that we found at the store and at the library. We have a good mix of books for this month. I love to see what fun books the girls pick out. They each have favorites from…

September 2014 Book Finds

We love looking for new books. This month all the books but one were a library find for us. I love using the library and exploring all that we can find there. I’m never disappointed when we go looking for books. This month has books with no words, fables, animals, dragons, fall and more. You…

July 2014 Book Finds

This month is different these are some of the books we found on vacation. These books were in libraries that we visited or places we went to. It has been a fun month and I hope that you enjoy these books! It is always fun to find new books. Mouseton Abbey: The Cheesy Treasure Hunt…

Chapter Books We Are Reading

This summer we are doing some different reading. I’m doing some reading of chapter books for the girls. Plus exploring new chapter books for my daughter who just finished second grade. We all looking at the books and tried to pick out a few different ones to read. There are so many new and different…

Free Zoo Pack Update!

The Zoo pack has finally been updated. The original Pack was over 110 pages long! These Zoo update printables are to be used with children from 2 to 8. These can be used with various Zoo books. They include many different animals and areas: safari, tropical, arctic, Alaskan, pond, outback, and woodland. Graphic purchased from…

May 2013 Book Finds

Here is this months selection! A lot of the books I find at the library and some I find at a store. Where do you find most of your books? No Dogs Allowed!is an interesting book about a cafe that does not allow animals of any kind. Very few words great fun to look at….

April 2013 Book Finds

This months books all came from the library! The girls found that they really like these books. Finding new books is always fun. This months finds include: America, dinosaurs, and animals. Coming soon is a post about using the library. It is a great resource to use for everything! See Me Run (I Like to…

August 2012 Book Finds

The Noisy Airplane Ride by Mike Downs and David Gordon is a great books about the noise you hear on an air plane. It covers from getting on plane to getting off plane. It have some great words for all the sounds you hear. It is a great books to help prepare a child for…

Animal Adventure Trip Review

Name: Animal Adventure Location: Bolton, Massachusetts Website: Length of stay: 1 hour Animal Adventure is a great place to see exotic animals up close. It is a place where you can see and touch many different types of animals. From small and cute and fuzzy to big long snakes. The tour takes about 1…

Birds – Birds on a Wire

We read Birds for this months Virtual Book Club for Kids. This book also is one I used with my Bird Pack. What you need: paper towel roll, foam bird stickers, glue, paints, tray, paper, and marker. Draw a line down the paper towel roll. The put the stickers on the paper towel roll on…

Easy to Make Seek and Find

The summer is here and car travel and vacations will be happening. The girls are looking forward to the trips but not the car rides. To make their time easier I made some simple seek and find activities from stickers. What you need: laminator, laminating sheets, stickers (I got mine at AC Moore for $1…

A Simple Request

On our weekly trip to the library the girls saw a mommy duck and six ducklings swimming away. They were so excited about it. We went into the library and then came out. We sat on a bench and watched the pond. The girls were so excited by every simple little bird sound they heard….

May 2012 Book Finds

The book finds this month all came from the library. I always try and look and ask them about new books when they come in. This month we have dinosaurs, seasonal books and a few others that were fun. Dinosaur Pet by Neil Sedaka and Marc Sedaka is a great story about a boy and…

Ecotarium Trip Review

Name: Ecotarium Location: Worcester, Massachusetts Website: Length of stay: 90 minutes The Ecotarium is one of the girls’ favorite places to visit. We go there often. The outside is full of places to explore. There are a lots of animals to see while you visit. Animals The eagles there are some of the girls…