Ring Toss Using Olympic Ring Colors
Gross motor does not have to be hard. In fact, it can be fun. This ring toss is a fun idea that can be done inside or outside with very little change! We enjoy doing gross motor ideas in our house.
This ring toss uses the Olympic ring colors. It was a fun way to bring some Olympic fun into our house!
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
I always liked to change up how we do an activity. So you will see that we used several different containers to toss the rings into. This gives them a challenge and makes it fun.
What you need for the Ring Toss Activity
- cones
- baskets
- bins
- masking tape
- 5 colors of pipe cleaners for each child
(The cones, basket and bin were found in the dollar section at Target over the past year.)
How we did the Ring Toss Activity
First the girls made their rings, by folding the pipe cleaners around each other. My oldest and middle did great with theirs, but my youngest needed a little help. This was a great way to work some fine motor into our gross motor activity.
Toss the Rings into the Bin
The girls got a chance to try tossing the rings. They stood behind a tape line. We used three different items to toss the rings into or on: cones, baskets, and bins.
The bins were the easiest for them ot use. You could just toss them in really easy.
Toss the Rings into the Basket
The basket was slightly harder but you could still get it in if you worked at it.
Toss the Rings onto the Cones
The cones were the hardest for them to do. They worked harder at getting the rings on. My youngest often took a step up so that she had an easier time.
After we got done we talked about which was easier to toss the rings to and which toss was the easiest or hardest. Then they set up their own tossing challenge with no cones and did it. Rose and Amelia tossed the rings and Mary took them back.
This is another great way to learn about the colors of the Olympic Rings.
Dot Marker Olympic Rings is a great fine motor and Olympic Ring Color Activity.
Ring Cutting Activity Using Olympic Colors has your cut our rings for kids to make an Olympic Flag of their own.
Check out all the fun Olympic Games Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
This looks like lots of fun!
It was they played for over an hour and have asked to play it again.