Free Soccer CVC Short Vowel Cut & Paste Printable
CVC short vowel are something I know a lot of people look for. And this soccer CVC short vowel cut and paste worksheet is great for a simple review of short vowel words you can use with kids.
You have five short vowel to work on: short a, short e, short i, short o, and short u. You can use the CVC cut and paste worksheet that works best for you.
The Soccer CVC Short Vowel Cut & Paste Printable is a part of the 20 Free Summer Sports Printables.

The Soccer CVC Short Vowel Cut & Paste Printable is a great addition to the Olympic printables and CVC printables on the site.
What are Short Vowel CVC words?
CVC words are words that have a consonant vowel consonant pattern. They have easy to sound out consonants with a short vowel sound in the middle. They don’t have any tricky blends or digraphs for kids to work around.
They are considered simple words that can be used with early readers to help sound out and decode words.
They have short vowel sounds that make sounding out words easy.
You are going to find words like cat. Kids can sound out the letters C A & T. And then blend the sounds together to make the word.
Some CVC words that kids learn are bug, map, sat, dog, pot, pan, etc.
Soccer CVC Short Vowel Cut & Paste Printable
The soccer CVC short vowel cut and paste has a soccer field with pictures on the field with words on soccer balls on the right hand side of the paper. This is a great way to work on short vowel words and matching pictures.
You have a version with soccer for the words and one with football for the words for people outside of the United States of America.

Here is a list of each of the short vowel words on each page.
Short A Words: van, cat, lab, jam, map, bag
Short E Words: wet, leg, pen, net, bed, jet
Short I Words: bit, pin, fin, zip, dig, hid
Short O Words: rod, dog, sob, pot, cop, mop
Short U Words: sun, cup, nut, cub, mud, bug
Things to use with the Soccer CVC Short Vowel Cut & Paste Printable
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How to Use the Soccer CVC Short Vowel Cut & Paste Printable
You will see how to use the soccer CVC short vowel worksheets.
Setting up a Soccer CVC Short Vowel Cut & Paste Center
You can see a simple set up below. You can give kids a scissors, glue and crayons to use on the paper.

Cut off the Soccer CVC words
Kids can start with cutting off the soccer ball with the words. It is a simple way to get started.
You can read the words after you get them cut off so that they know what each of the words are. You can talk about beginning, middle, and ending sounds of the words.

Cut out the Words and Color the Field
You can have kids color the soccer field and then cut out the soccer balls. An easy activity to do, but you can skip coloring the field if you want.

Paste the CVC Words on the Field
You then work on pasting the words onto the correct picture. You will find that this is a simple worksheet for CVC words.
It is a great way to work on CVC words for review or learning to see mixed words with the same vowel with different beginning and ending sounds.

This is just a simple soccer idea that kids will have fun working on CVC words.
What you will find in the Free Soccer CVC Short Vowel Cut & Paste Printable
- Soccer CVC Cut & Paste Worksheet
- Five different vowels: short a, short e, short i, short o, and short u worksheets
- 6 Pictures of CVC with matching CVC words on soccer balls
- There with the wording as Football vs soccer
- 10 pages

More CVC printables for Kids
CVC Word Writing Printables For Beginning, Ending, Vowel, Full Word, and Mixed Missing for a great set of CVC word writing activities that work great for CVC learning centers for kindergarten and review for first grade.
CVC Word: Break the Code has a code at the top of the page and different CVC words for kids to break the code and write the CVC words. You have several pages by vowel and then mixed vowel.
CVC Word Game for Kids has five short vowel games for kids to go around the board and find the matching short vowel word. And four in a row wins.
I Spy CVC Short Vowel Words is a great no-prep worksheet with I Spy for short vowel words. You have one page for each short vowel. With 5 pages total with a short a page, short e page, short i page, short o page and short u page.
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Cassie –