Free Scarecrow Counting Mats 1 to 10

Counting mats are great to have in preschool and kindergarten. You have lots of ways to work on them.

The free scarecrow number counting mats have numbers from 1 to 10 with a counting mat area, ten frames, and playdough number to work in many different skills for counting and numbers.

You can count the crows, fill the ten frames, and then make the playdough number.

The Scarecrow Counting Mats Printable is part of the 20 Free Printables for September.

Free Scarecrow Counting Mats 1 to 10 - with ten counting mats - you have one mat for each number to work on one at at time with ten frame, counting area, and playdough number. -

The Scarecrow Counting Mats is a great addition to the fall number printables on the site.

What is a Counting Mat?

Counting mats are hands-on activities for practicing counting. They work on the skill of one-to-one correspondence. And helps with number recognition.

Scarecrow Counting Mats 1 to 10

These scarecrow counting mats have a counting area for the crows, and a ten frame to fill out the match the counting area. Plus a playdough number for kids to make.

The scarecrow number counting mat printables have a mat for each number from 1 to 10. This allows you to focus on one number at a time.

Free Scarecrow Counting Mats 1 to 10 - with ten counting mats - you have one mat for each number to work on one at at time with ten frame, counting area, and playdough number. -

Things to use with the Scarecrow Counting Mats Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the Scarecrow Counting Mats Printable

You will see how we used the scarecrow counting math and a few ways to use them.

Setting up the Scarecrow Counting Mats Printable

You can see we put the scarecrow counting mat in a sheet protector and have playdough for the number and unifix cube for the ten frames. You can see we are using the black pom poms for the crows.

You could also laminate the scarecrow counting mats.

Free Scarecrow Counting Mats 1 to 10 - with ten counting mats - you have one mat for each number to work on one at at time with ten frames, counting area, and playdough number. -

You could put all scarecrow counting mats in a binder and have kids flip through and do all ten numbers.

Free Scarecrow Counting Mats 1 to 10 - with ten counting mats - you have one mat for each number to work on one at at time with ten frames, counting area, and playdough number. -

Using Scarecrow Counting Mats Printable

You can see how the parts work on the scarecrow counting mat. You have the pom poms to be crows on the scarecrow. The ten frame is filling out to match the number and the playdough number is done as well.

Free Scarecrow Counting Mats 1 to 10 - with ten counting mats - you have one mat for each number to work on one at at time with ten frames, counting area, and playdough number. -

Using Dot Markers with Scarecrow Counting Mats Printable

You can see below we used dot markers to fill out the counting mat. You can do this for all ten scarecrow counting mats. We used black to do for the crows on the scarecrow and then use a dot marker for the ten frame.

You can also trace inside the number as well.

Free Scarecrow Counting Mats 1 to 10 - with ten counting mats - you have one mat for each number to work on one at at time with ten frames, counting area, and playdough number. -

Counting Just the Crows Only

You can have kids just use one part of the mat. They could just do the crows only on the scarecrow. It is a simple way to work on counting.

Number Playdough Only

You could just go through a time and do the playdough numbers only. This is why I like counting mats with lots of different activities on them to do.

More Scarecrow Number Printables

Scarecrow Dot the Number & Count

You have scarecrow dot the number and count the dots with numbers 0 to 20. It is a fun way to work on counting and numbers with dot markers. They come in color and black and white.

You can also grab the scarecrow dot the number bundle with the scarecrow, crow, and hay.

Scarecrow Dot the Number & Counting:  - Numbers 1 to 20 - with dot the number and the count and dot the circles on the scarecrow-

Scarecrow Number Find

You have a great scarecrow number find that works great with the counting mats. You have tracing the number and then finding the number. Another way to work on recognizing numbers or kids.

Scarecrow Number Find Printable with racing number and finding number with numerical number and number word options -

Scarecrow Number Find Printable

The Scarecrow Number Find Printable works on numbers from 0 to 20 with two options for the number finds. You have number word and numerical number. You have 0 to 20 in the no-prep number find.

Scarecrow Number Find Printable with racing number and finding number with numerical number and number word options -

What you will find in the Scarecrow Number Find Printable

  • Number 0 to 20 in digit and word options
  • Tracing section for each number
  • Several numbers to dot on the pots of scarecrows
  • 43 pages
  • Price: $3.50

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the pages.

Scarecrow Dot the Number & Count the Dots

Two options of scarecrow dot number and dot marker pages with color and no-prep black and white pages that work on numbers 0 to 20. And the color pages with a scarecrow in color.

Scarecrow Dot the Number & Counting:  - Numbers 1 to 20 - with dot the number and the count and dot the circles on the scarecrow -

What you will find in the Scarecrow Dot the Number & Count the Dots Printable

  • Numbers 0 to 20
  • In color and black and white scarecrows
  • Dot marker numbers and matching numbers on the scarecrow
  • 43 pages
  • Price: $3.00

What you will find in the Free Scarecrow Counting Mat Printables

  • Scarecrow counting mats from 1 to 10
  • 10 scarecrows for the ten frames
  • 10 crows for the counting mat
  • Scarecrow for the Counting Mat
  • Playdough Number on each mat
  • 11 pages
Free Scarecrow Counting Mats 1 to 10 - with ten counting mats - you have one mat for each number to work on one at at time with ten frames, counting area, and playdough number. -

More Sacarecrow Printables for Kids

Scarecrow No-Prep Weekly Packs are a great no-prep packs with scarecrow theme. You can use these no-prep packs with 6 grade levels. You have PreK, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade.

Scarecrow CVC Unscramble the Word Are great for decoding and matching letters and picture. This fall printable has two sets of cards. This is a great fall activities for kids in first grade.

5 Hay Fill Days of Scarecrow Fun is a fun themed week with scarecrow printables. You have 5 great printables to use with kids.

Scarecrow Skip Counting by 5s Easy Reader Book is a great book to learn to skip count with visual picture and repeat addition.

Scarecrow Fraction Puzzles Printable has 7 fraction puzzles for kids to build and compare fractions. It also included a building math

Cassie –

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