Free CVCC Word Family Color by Letter: -ACK, -ECK -ICK, -OCK, -UCK
The next set of learning to read printables is out for the CVCC Word Family for: -ack, -eck, -ick, -ock, -uck. This set of printables is the Color by Letter. These are a favorite at our house. This is their favorite way to make their own cards. While we work each of the words, they can make their own flash cards.
We always use them many different ways. I like having different learning tools for each of my girls. These printables match up with the rest of the learning to read series for the CVCC words.
The single page with the words is an easy way to put the words they are working on in a binder for a reminder of what words they are doing.
The second type is cards they can color. This allows a different way to review the words. You can do matching card game with the two different cards for the series. Lately we have been putting the cards on rings to keep track of them.
Each set has the same color by letter code. This makes it easy to use. I use the same for all the color by letter activities. Nothing says you have to use this. You can always color the letters in red for vowel and blue for consonant. They are so many ways you can use these.
What you will find in these printables:
- Color by Letter Page
- Color by Letter Cards
- Color by Letter Code
- CVC Word Family Words -ack, -eck, -ick, -ock, -uck.
Click here to get the -eck CVCC Word Family Color By Letter
Click here to get the -ick CVCC Word Family Color By Letter
Click here to get the -ock CVCC Word Family Color By Letter
Click here to get the -uck CVCC Word Family Color By Letter
Check out these other CVCC Word Family Printables:
- Free CVCC Word Family Cards & Writing: ACK, ECK, ICK, OCK, UCK
- Free CVCC Word Family Ladder Printables
- Free CVCC Word Family Wall Cards
Cassie –