CVC Word Sorting by Vowel Sound

How do you use your printables is a common question that I get all the time. Today I thought I would show one way that we use the CVC Word Family Color by Letter Cards. We do some simple sorting and rhyming words.

CVC Words Sorting by Vowel Sound - Fun way to use color by letter printables -

For this example I used all the words ending with -at, -et, -it, -ot, & -ut. This gives them similar consonants sounds for the end. This makes it easier when they sound out the words.

What you need for this activity: CVC Word Family Color by Letter Cards for -at, -et, -it, -ot, & -ut, color card stock, black marker, and crayons.

CVC Words Sorting by Vowel Sound - Fun way to use color by letter printables -

Colored the consonants all black and left the vowel without a color. This was left blank for them to color in later.

CVC Words Sorting by Vowel Sound - Fun way to use color by letter printables -

I laid out the color paper and the stack of cards for her. We reviewed the letter and short vowel sounds.

CVC Words Sorting by Vowel Sound - Fun way to use color by letter printables -

She picked up the first card and we did each of the letter sounds on the card and then said the word. She pointed to each letter as she sounded them out. Then ran her finger along the bottom as she said it all together.

CVC Words Sorting by Vowel Sound - Fun way to use color by letter printables -

Then she sorted the cards to the correct vowel.

CVC Words Sorting by Vowel Sound - Fun way to use color by letter printables -

We finished up the activity by her coloring the vowels the same colors that were on the cards. This gave us some fun flash cards for her to work with.

CVC Words Sorting by Vowel Sound - Fun way to use color by letter printables -

This was an easy way to teach some vowel sounds. After they finish coloring their cards you can do the activity again with the vowels colored in.

Looking for other CVC Word Family activities and printables check these out:

Cassie –


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