Great Book Finds From September 2019

Picture books can teach us so much about the world around us. They are great for giving kids a view they might not normally have.

Each month we look for books that we like or look interesting. It is fun to see what my girls pick out for their favorites or just something different to learn about.

This month is a collection of books from our library. I love the library and encourage my girls still at older ages to visit the library each week. You never know what you will find when visiting.

September 2019 Book Finds: planes, travel by air, normal, begin different, smells, baths, space, painting, fears, being scared, -

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Each of these books has a link to Amazon. You can find out more about the books plus some times see a preview of the book.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Fly is a great book about planes. It has so many great words to learn about planes plus defines a few at the back of the book. You can learn all about the plane flight with this book.

A Normal Pig is a great book about what is normal. And what is being different. I love that the book points out that there might not be one way to be normal.

Perfect is about an eraser that likes to keep the page clean. He cleans up all of pencils lines. I love the changes in the book to eraser and how they learn they are perfect together. A lot of the book is wordless and that makes it even more fun to talk about.

Something Smells has us guessing what that horrible smell was until the end of the book. You can enjoy this story and how it goes from one room to the next looking for that horrible smell.

The Dam is a wonderful book based on a true story about a dam. It has amazing pictures and ways to remember the place that was there one last time and to remember it afterward. I love the flow of the story. You can read about the history at the end of the book.

When You’re Scared is a dual story told about a boy and a bear. You can see how each one is scared in different ways. I love the progress through the book. You have several pages that are wordless and you can talk about what is happening in the book.

The Astronaut Who Painted the Moon: The True Story of Alan Bean is a great space and history book all together. You can read about his painting and history of travel tot he moon. I love reading this story. Plus it was neat to see the timeline in the book.

Did you read a fun book this month?

September Book Finds -

Check out these books from the last few months:

Cassie –

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