
20 Free Printables for May

There are so many great spring themes. And it is fun to make and create for the spring themes every year!

These are fun themed weeks to help make May and the spring loads of fun.

You will find a mix of math and activities you can do with kids for the spring.

And each week will have something different and new.

There will be a baseball week, a flowers week, a garden week, and a ladybug week.

20 Free Printables for May - you have a baseball week, a flowers week, a garden week, and a ladybug week. All with a mix of math and language to use with kids - 3Dinosaurs.com

The 20 Free Printables for May is a great addition to the spring printables on the site.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

The series will have math, language, and more! I can’t wait for you to see what the week has in store! It is always fun to create new and fun ideas.

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter to make sure you get notice of every printable and post that comes out on the site.

20 Free Printables for May Menu

A jump to the free week you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.

Week 1 Baseball Week Printables
Week 2 Flowers Week Printables
Week 3 Garden Week Printables
Week 4 Ladybug Week Printables

Week 1 Baseball Week Printables

You will have five fun baseball printables. There will be a mix of math, language, and other fun activities to do with kids.
JDaniel4’s Mom is joining me for Baseball week. Be sure to check out their printables as well.

Baseball Printables Day 1

Baseball Ten Frame Addition Card Printables

Free Baseball Ten Frame Addition 1 to 10 with part of ten frame filled out and part empty with a recording sheet that can be used the ten frame addition cards - 3Dinosaurs.com

Free Baseball Ten Frame Addition Card Printables: Addition 1 to 10. You have 12 ten frame cards and a matching worksheet to work on addition from 1 to 10.

Baseball Addition Facts Puzzles

Free Baseball Addition Facts Puzzles

Baseball Addition Facts Puzzles has 11 pages of puzzles for use with kids. You can see baseball feelings on each puzzle by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Baseball Printables Day 2

Baseball Fine Motor Mats

Free Baseball Fine Motor Mats - with a baseball template, baseball tracing, baseball circle playdough mat, and baseball dot marker printable - 3Dinosaurs.com

Baseball Fine Motor Mats are a great sports fine motor activity for spring, summer, and fall. You have a baseball template printable, a baseball tracing template, a baseball playdough mat printable, and a baseball dot marker printable.

Baseball Mitt Binary Code Alphabet Equations and Riddles

Free Baseball Mitt Binary Code Alphabet Equations and Riddles by JDaniel4's Mom

Baseball Mitt Binary Code Alphabet Equations and Riddles is a great way to work on binary and off line coding for kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Baseball Printables Day 3

Baseball ABC Tracing Strip Printables

Free Baseball ABC Tracing Strips - with all 26 letters of the alphabet with uppercase and lowercase tracing together to work on letter handwriting. Plus an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

Baseball ABC Tracing Strip Printables is a great way to work on letter handwriting with kids with all 26 letters of the alphabet.

Baseball Counting Algorithm Game Boards

Free Color Baseball Counting Algorithm Game Boards by JDaniel4's Mom

Baseball Counting Algorithm Game Boards has you follow the numbers in order through the number maze by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Baseball Printables Day 4

Measure the Baseball Bats Printable

Free Measure the Baseball Bat with 6 measuring bats cards and 1 measuring recording worksheet for kids. Great for first grade and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

Measure the Baseball Bats Printable has 6 bats to see how long they are with a recoding sheet for kids.

Color Feelings Filled Baseballs with an Algorithm Printable

Free Color Feelings Filled Baseballs with an Algorithm Printable by JDaniel4's Mom

Color Feelings Filled Baseballs with an Algorithm has you color the different feelings by color with a sequence to do the coloring by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Baseball Printables Day 5

Baseball Number Tracing Strip Printables: Numbers 1 to 20

Free Baseball Number Tracing Strip Printables - with numbers 0 to 20. You can trace the numbers and an example of how to trace the numbers on the strips, plus an baseball, bat or glove on each tracing strip. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Baseball Number Tracing Strip Printables: Numbers 1 to 20 has 3 numbers on each page with tracing example plus several letters to trace on each page.

Baseball Bat Straw Rocket Activities and Recording Sheet Printable

Free Baseball Bat Straw Rocket Activities and Recording Sheet Printableby JDaniel4's Mom

Baseball Bat Straw Rocket Activities and Recording Sheet is a great STEM activity you can do with kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Click here to go back to the 20 Free Printables for May Menu

Week 2 Flower Week Printables

Flower Printables Day 1

Tulip Fine Motor Mat Printables

Free Tulip Fine Motor Mat Printables - with two version of a tulip for different skill levels with a single tulip flower and three flowers on a page with ground, stem and leaves - you have a flower template printable, flower tracing printable, flower dot marker printable, and flower q-tip printable - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tulip Fine Motor Mat Printables has two types of tulips that kids can trace, color and dot. You have a beginning level and a more advance set of flowers for working on fine motor skills.

Counting Seeds Algorithm Game Boards

Counting Seeds Algorithm Game Boards has kids following the seeds as they count up from 1 to 10. A great number printables for kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Flower Printables Day 2

Flower Number Color and Trace

Free Flower Number Color & Trace - Numbers o to 10 with counting the flowers and tracing the number and number word for each number with 11 pages of printables for prek and kindergarten - 3Dinosaurs.com

Flower Number Color and Trace has numbers from 0 to 10 for kids to trace the number words and numerical number. An easy no-prep flower number printable for kids in kindergarten.

Flower STEM Challenges Build Pattern Block Mats

Flower STEM Challenges Build Pattern Block Mats has two flower patterns for kids to use with pattern blocks by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Flower Printables Day 3

Flower ABC Tracing Cards Printables

Free Flower ABC Tracing Cards with a 3 by 3 tracing rows of uppercase and lowercase letters. A fun way to change handwriting for kids with all 26 letters of the alphabet. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Flower ABC Tracing Cards Printables has tracing cards for all 26 letters of the alphabet in a fun 3 by 3 grid for a fun way to trace.

Flower Patterning Cards

Free Flower Patterning Cards by JDaniel4's Mom.

Flower Patterning Cards works on AB patterns and ABC patterns with kids and with lots of fun flower patterns by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Flower Printables Day 4

Flower Telling Time Matching Card Printables

Free Flower Telling Time Matching Cards - with hourly matching cards with analog clock and digital clock with 12 matching paints for each of the hours on a clock  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Flower Telling Time Matching Card Printables has matching cards for digital clock and analog clocks.

Adding Petals Addition Pages

Free Adding Petals Addition Pages  by JDaniel4's Mom.

Adding Petals Addition Pages is a fun set of addition worksheets using flower petals for the math. It is a simple way to work on addition with a flower theme by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Flower Printables Day 5

Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables

Free Flower Division Mat Printables - with 12 division flower mats for each number 1 to 12. You have two playdough mats on each page, where kids solve each division problem by making that make flower petals for the answer for each division mat - 3Dinosaurs.com

Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables has 144 playdough mats for working on division from 1 to 12 with a fun hands-on way to build the flowers.

Flower Mandalas Code and Color Addition Algorithm Pages

Flower Mandalas Code and Color Addition Algorithm Pages is a great number, color and symmetry printable for kids to do. It is a fun flower printable for kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.

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Week 3 Garden Week Printables

Garden Printables Day 1

Garden Skip Counting by 9 Puzzle Printables

Free Garden Skip Counting by 9 Puzzles - you have two 10 piece skip counting by 9 puzzles: 9 to 90 and 99 to 180 with a puzzle building mat included- 3Dinosaurs.com

Garden Skip Counting by 9 Puzzle Printables has two skip counting puzzles from 9 to 90 and 99 to 180.

Rabbit and Carrot Counting Algorithm Boards

Rabbit and Carrot Counting Algorithm Boards has counting from 1 to 10 on a fun board for kids to learn numbers and counting by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Garden Printables Day 2

Strawberry Number Sense from 1 to 10

Free Strawberry Number Sense from 1 to 20 with matching several different number types to the numerical number including tally marks, dominos, ten frames, and dice  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Strawberry Number Sense from 1 to 10 has numbers matching with tally marks, ten frames, dice and dominos.

Seed Packet Shape Building Mats

Seed Packet Shape Building Mats has several fun shape makes you can use with kids by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Garden Printables Day 3

My Garden Easy Reader Book

Free My Garden Easy Reader Book - an 8 page book with things you are grow in a garden with sight words: I, can, grow. Each page focuses on one fruit or vegetable in the garden.- 3Dinosaurs.com

My Garden Easy Reader Book is a fun garden easy reader book with 8 pages and 7 fun plants you can grow in your garden.

Drawing a Flower Based on an Algorithm Page

Drawing a Flower Based on an Algorithm Page is a great way to work on fine motor skills a flower by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Garden Printables Day 4

Garden Addition Clip Card Printables: Addition 1 to 10

Free Garden Addition Clip Card Printables: Addition 1 to 10 - with two set of cards with a number line and without a number line. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Garden Addition Clip Card Printables has Addition 1 to 10 and 18 total addition clip cards with and without number lines. A fun way to work on addition with kids.

Garden STEM Challenge Building Cards

Garden STEM Challenge Building Cards has several STEM ideas that you can find to build on each of the cards by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Garden Printables Day 5

Garden CVCC Break the Code Printable

Free Garden CVCC Break The Code Printable - It has 12 baskets with matching CVCC picture and a recording sheet - a fun set of printables to work on sounds of letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

Garden CVCC Break the Code Printable has fun CVCC words for kids to break the code for. And a great way to work on beginning sounds for each of the words.

Building a Paper Plate Greenhouse with an Algorithm

Building a Paper Plate Greenhouse with an Algorithm has steps to make a paper plate greenhouse for kids. It is super simple and easy to do with clear instructions by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Click here to go back to the 20 Free Printables for May Menu

Week 4 Ladybug Week Printables

Ladybug Printables Day 1

Ladybug Number Word Counting 0 to 10 Book Printable

Free Ladybug Counting Book - with numbers - 0 to 10 for tracing and coloring the number word. A 12 page easy reader book - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ladybug Number Word Counting 0 to 10 Book Printable works on coloring and tracing number names for kids. You can count and color and trace and color the number words.

Grouchy Ladybug Number Recognition File Folder Game

Grouchy Ladybug Number Recognition File Folder Game is a great number game that kids will love. And it is super easy to play. You can play during the spring and summer as well by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Ladybug Printables Day 2

Ladybug Fine Motor Mat Printables

Free Ladybug Fine Motor Mats with ladybug templates, ladybug tracing, ladybug playdough mat, and ladybug dot marker printable are all get for fine motor centers for spring  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ladybug Fine Motor Mat Printables has 5 fine motor mats with a mix of tracing, templates, and dot markers with a ladybug theme.

The Grouchy Ladybug Tells Time File Folder Game

The Grouchy Ladybug Tells Time File Folder Game is a great telling time game for kids. This would be a great summer review as well by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Ladybug Printables Day 3

Ladybug Shape Tracing Printable

Free Ladybug Shape Tracing Printable - with 9 shapes for kids to trace on the back on the ladybug. A great shape fine motor activity for kids. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ladybug Shape Tracing Printable has nine different shapes on the ladybug for kids to trace and color. A fun shape center idea or worksheet.

Grouchy Ladybug Tens Frame Adding File Folder Game

Grouchy Ladybug Tens Frame Adding File Folder Game is a great way to work on ten frames with kids. You can count and move around the board and have fun by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Ladybug Printables Day 4

Ladybug ABC Matching Puzzle Printables

Free Ladybug ABC Matching Puzzles - with two pieces puzzles matching uppercase letters and lowercase letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ladybug ABC Matching Puzzle Printables has 26 letter matching puzzles. You match uppercase letters with lowercase letters. You have all 26 letters of the alphabet to match.

Ladybug Math Facts File Folder Game- Addition

Ladybug Math Facts File Folder Game- Addition is a great addition math game that kids can play. You can work on addition from 1 to 10 by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Ladybug Printables Day 5

Ladybug Prewriting Strips Printable

Free Ladybug Prewriting Strip Printables With Thick Prewriting Lines with 10 prewriting strips with different lines for kids to trace with thick lines for kids just starting with prewriting - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ladybug Prewriting Strips has 10 thick dashed lines for kids to trace. You have a ladybug going to a leaf. These are great for kids just starting out with prewriting.

Ladybug Math Facts- Subtraction Roll File Folder Game Printables

Ladybug Math Facts- Subtraction Roll File Folder Game is a great subtraction game made by JDaniel4’s Mom.

Click here to go back to the 20 Free Printables for May Menu

A Few Other Great Fun Free Months Printables

20 Free Printables for September with apples, scarecrow, farm and forest animals.

20 Fun Free Printables for October with monsters, pumpkins, Bats & Spider, and Candy.

20 Free Printables for January with snowman, winter, arctic animals, and space

20 Fun Free Printables for April with rain, birds, frogs, and bugs & insects.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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