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Free Easter Prewriting Pattern Strip Printables for Kids

As you progress from basic prewriting lines, you can start on more advanced prewriting pattern lines.

The Easter Prewriting Pattern Strip Printables works on prewriting with different patters and different sizes for kids to trace.

You have a single pattern repeated on the strip for kids to trace with four different line types. And then you have the same patterns in different sizes for kids to trace. A great fine motor center for Easter.

Free Easter Prewriting Strips - prewriting printable for kids working on more complex prewriting skills with prewriting fonts in repeat pattern and sizes. You have Easter Bunny getting to a basket of eggs. - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Easter Prewriting Pattern Strips are a great addition to the Easter Printables and prewriting printables on the site.

The Easter Prewriting Pattern Strips are part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the Easter section on the subscriber freebie page.

So what is pre-writing?

Pre-writing is the skill to build to work up to writing letters and other types of writing. It also teaches the direction that we read.

You can start a lot of those skills with fine motor activities with playdough and other small motor movements. But a lot of those skills are working up to prewriting with lines. Then working on more fine motor skills that help to do better with writing and reading later in life.

Easter Prewriting Strip Printables

The Easter Prewriting Strips work on prewriting with more complicated patterns for kids to use.

Easter Prewriting Strips: Repeated Pattern the Same Size

You have a repeated pattern for kids to trace. There are four patterns in the Easter prewriting printable strips. You can see the four patterns below.

Free Easter Prewriting Strips - prewriting printable for kids working on more complex prewriting skills with prewriting fonts in repeat pattern and sizes. You have Easter Bunny getting to a basket of eggs. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Easter Prewriting Strips: Repeated Pattern the Different Sizes

You have the same prewriting pattern as above but with different font sizes. This gives kids more prewriting that is similar but has a slight change for those needing more of a challenge.

Free Easter Prewriting Strips - prewriting printable for kids working on more complex prewriting skills with prewriting fonts in repeat pattern and sizes. You have Easter Bunny getting to a basket of eggs. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Easter Prewriting Pattern Strips Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the Easter Prewriting Strip Printable

You will see a few ways to use these Easter prewriting strips. And remember it is about making prewriting fun for kids.

Laminating the Easter Prewriting Strip Printables

You can print the Easter prewriting strips on cardstock and laminate them. Laminating them makes it easier to reuse them over and over.

And because it is Easter the stardust cardstock is fun to use. This cardstock has little specks of color in the cardstock to change it up a little bit.

Free Easter Prewriting Strips - prewriting printable for kids working on more complex prewriting skills with prewriting fonts in repeat pattern and sizes. You have Easter Bunny getting to a basket of eggs. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Picking the Right Easter Prewriting Strips To Use

With two different line styles you can use both types of just pick the style you need for the child you are working with.

You can just put four of them on a ring and then use that set.

You can see the two different sizes of prewriting in the set below. This prewriting is great for kids who need more of a challenge.

Free Easter Prewriting Strips - prewriting printable for kids working on more complex prewriting skills with prewriting fonts in repeat pattern and sizes. You have Easter Bunny getting to a basket of eggs. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use the Easter Prewriting Strips in a Fine Motor Learning Center

It is fun to use these in a fine motor center. Pick the prewriting tracing strips that you need and put them on a ring. And then give them a dry erase marker to use with the strips.

You can have fun and give them a colored dry erase marker.

Free Easter Prewriting Strips - prewriting printable for kids working on more complex prewriting skills with prewriting fonts in repeat pattern and sizes. You have Easter Bunny getting to a basket of eggs. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tracing The Easter Prewriting Strip Printables

Then have them trace the strips. You can have them trace the strips and show you after they have finished. Or you could have them trace and then wipe off the lines.

You can do which works best for your needs. If you have them give you the strip you can see how challenging it is. If they are using the basic ones and you can see if they might need more of a challenge.

But you can also see if this is two challenging and they need something simpler.

Free Easter Prewriting Strips - prewriting printable for kids working on more complex prewriting skills with prewriting fonts in repeat pattern and sizes. You have Easter Bunny getting to a basket of eggs. - 3Dinosaurs.com

If you have problems getting the colored dry erase marker off the strip I recommend using dry erase board cleaner. It takes it right off!

Wiping off the Line with a Q-Tip

A fun idea that you can do with kids is use a black dry erase marker and a q-tip. You trace with the black marker and then wipe off with the q-tip. It give them extra fine motor prewriting practice with the q-tip.

This fine motor idea works best with the black marker.

Free Easter Prewriting Strips - prewriting printable for kids working on more complex prewriting skills with prewriting fonts in repeat pattern and sizes. You have Easter Bunny getting to a basket of eggs. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Prewriting Strips in a Binder

Now one great thing about these Easter prewriting strips is that they have four to a page. That means you can put the prewriting strips in a sheet protector and use them in a binder Which give you four sets of lines for kids to trace. Plus save on laminating as well.

Fine Motor Prewriting Set

Looking for more fun pattern prewriting? You can check out the Fine Motor Prewriting. It has several levels of prewriting and fun pattern tracing strips for kids to use.

Free Prewriting Practice Patterns - Several pages of different patterns to practice with prewriting in the - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set

The Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set includes some of the printables above in an easy no-prep printable set. Plus, additional and new printables. The sets include big and thin dashed lines, no-prep pages, prewriting strips, an easy reader book, and more!

Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set - easy pages ready for teachers to use no-prep pages, easy reader books, tons of new tracing pages and options for kids. It has 174 pages of pritnables $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Fine Motor Prewriting Set printables:

  • Big Solid and Dashes Prewriting Lines with a start and stop.
  • Big Solid and Dashes Prewriting mixed with start and stop
  • Thin Prewriting lines with start and stop.
  • Thin Lines Prewriting mixed with start and stop.
  • Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines with start and stop.
  • Prewriting Practice with Patterns with prewriting fonts – Large Font
  • Prewriting Practice prewriting fonts single repeated prewriting
  • Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts all fonts together
  • Prewriting Practice Patterns with prewriting fonts – Single Pattern Repeated
  • Prewriting Practice Patterns with prewriting fonts – mixed patterns together
  • Prewriting Practice Patterns Finish the Patterns with prewriting fonts – mixed patterns together
  • Prewriting Practice Spin & Trace Prewriting Fonts
  • Prewriting Strips: Big Solid Prewriting Lines with Stop & Start – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Big Dashed Prewriting Lines with Stop & Start – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting thin lines with start and stop – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines with start and stop – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines.
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice Patterns
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Big Dashes Lines – Single Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Big Dashes Lines – Teacher Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Thin Dashes Lines – Single Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Thin Dashes Lines – Teacher Print
  • 174 pages
  • Price: $8

What you will find in the Free Easter Prewriting Strip Printables

  • Easter Bunny prewriting printables
  • 8 themed prewriting strips
  • 4 prewriting tracing strips with repeated prewriting pattern
  • 4 prewriting tracing strips with repeated prewriting patterns with different sizes
  • 2 pages
Free Easter Prewriting Strips - prewriting printable for kids working on more complex prewriting skills with prewriting fonts in repeat pattern and sizes. You have Easter Bunny getting to a basket of eggs. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Other Easter Fine Motor Activities

Easter Egg Prewriting is really fun prewriting lines in an Easter Egg! Great fine motor work for kids. You have 6 prewriting pages. These are great for preschool, PreK, and kindergarten.

Easter Egg Fine Motor Mat Printables has 6 fine motor mats with Easter Egg templates, Easter egg tracing, Easter egg dot marker and Easter Egg q-tip printable. Al fun ways to get in some fine motor during Easter for kids in preschool, prek and kindergarten.

Easter Playdough Mats Printable are easy fun for kids to have and hands-on learning fun. These are great Easter Printables for tot, preschool, PreK, and kindergarten.

Easy To Make Washi Tape Easter Eggs is a great window craft that kids can make! Super fun to have in your windows.

Check out all the fun Easter Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Easter Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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