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Free Farm ABC Tracing Strips Printables

ABCs are something you can work on all year long. I know that we are always working on tracing our letters in many different ways.

These free farm ABC tracing strips are great for a spring and fall letter review.

You can add these to learning centers and have fun tracing letters. They have letters from A to Z for kids to trace.

The Farm ABC Tracing Strips Printable is part of the 20 Free Printables for September.

Free Farm ABC Tracing Strips - with uppercase and lowercase together. You have fun kids with a farm barn, plus you can see an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Farm ABC Tracing Strips are a great addition to the farm ABC printables on the site.

The Farm ABC Tracing Strips is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the farm section on the subscriber freebie page.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Farm ABC Tracing Strips

The Farm Alphabet Tracing Strips are great for later PreK and Kindergarten. You can use just the letters you are looking for or the whole set. They are great for any farm theme.

It is recommend that you print the letter tracing strips on cardstock and laminating them.

You can see an example of the tracing strips below. You can see the uppercase and lowercase letters on the strip with the example and the ones to trace with the farm barn.

Free Farm ABC Tracing Strips - with uppercase and lowercase together. You have fun kids with a farm barn, plus you can see an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Farm ABC Tracing Strips Printable

Ways to Use the Farm ABC Tracing Strips Printable

Laminating the Farm ABC Tracing Strips

You can laminate the farm alphabet tracing strips. You can print, laminate, and then cut the abc tracing strips. Or you can cut, laminate, and then cut it out again.

We like to do the first with the laminate and then cut. If you do the laminate and then cut, it is recommended that use scissors to cut the strips to help keep the laminate from coming apart. I have a cutter that I use, but it makes the laminating peel.

Storing the Farm Alphabet Tracing Strips

We like to store the alphabet tracing strips on rings. It is a great way to keep all the farm alphabet tracing strips together. And when you need them, you can find them. All in one place.

Free Farm ABC Tracing Strips - with uppercase and lowercase together. You have fun kids with a farm barn, plus you can see an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

Setting up a Farm ABC Letter Tracing Centers

You can use the farm ABC letter tracing strips in a handwriting center. You can use the tracing strips you need or all the strips.

You put the strips you need on a ring and provide them with a dry eraser marker to trace the letters.

Some center ideas are:
– Letters of their name
– Sight words
– CVC words
– Vocab
– Letter of the Day

Free Farm ABC Tracing Strips - with uppercase and lowercase together. You have fun kids with a farm barn, plus you can see an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

Tracing the Letters of the Alphabet

After you have your center set up, you can work on tracing the letters. You can use a dry eraser marker to trace the letters.

We like to use black because it wipes off easier from the laminated strips.

Free Farm ABC Tracing Strips - with uppercase and lowercase together. You have fun kids with a farm barn, plus you can see an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

Put ABC Tracing Strips in a Binder

If you want to use the tracing strips but the idea of laminating and cutting does not sound fun. You can put the strips in a binder. This is super simple to do and works great as a center.

You put the alphabet tracing strips in sheet protectors and all of them together in a binder. Super simple to reuse the tracing strips as well.

Free Farm ABC Tracing Strips - with uppercase and lowercase together. You have fun kids with a farm barn, plus you can see an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Farm ABC Printables

If you are looking for more farm ABC printables you can check out the farm ABC letter find. This is a great addition to the farm ABC tracing strips.

Easy No-Prep Farm ABC Find - easy no-prep printables with a fun barns theme 52 pages with uppercase and lowercase $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

Farm ABC Find

Uppercase and lowercase themed ABC finds for kids to work on their letters. You can trace the letter then dot or color the barns.

Easy No-Prep Farm ABC Find - easy no-prep printables with a fun barns theme 52 pages with uppercase and lowercase $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Farm ABC Letter Find printables:

  • All 26 letters in Uppercase and lowercase options
  • Tracing section for each letter
  • Several letters to dot on the barn
  • $3.50 for all 52 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this, you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

What you will find in the Free Farm ABC Tracing Strip Printable

  • All 26 Letters
  • farm Theme
  • Uppercase and lowercase tracing together
  • Example of how you trace each letter
  • Spot to put strips on a ring
  • 10 pages of printables
Free Farm ABC Tracing Strips - with uppercase and lowercase together. You have fun kids with a farm barn, plus you can see an example of how to trace the letters - 3Dinosaurs.com

ABC Tracing Strips Set

You have great tracing strips with loads of tracing options with letters together and apart. There is also abc tracing options with letters or pictures of beginning sounds.

ABC Tracing Strips Set - with 10 different ABC tracing strips to help meet the needs of students with matching letters or pictures of beginning sounds - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the ABC Tracing Strips Set

  • Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Letter Guide Example
  • Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Letter Guide Example
  • Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Trace in Bubble Example
  • Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Trace in Bubble Example
  • Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Letter
  • Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Letter
  • Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Letter
  • Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Letter
  • Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter trace and write letter with Picture of Letters
  • Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Uppercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Letter
  • Alphabet Lowercase Tracing with Bubble Letters with Picture of Letter
  • Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Uppercase & Lowercase Tracing with Letter tracing with Picture of Letters
  • Alphabet Picture Words Tracing with Bubble Words with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Picture Words Tracing with Words with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Letter Writing with with Picture of Beginning Sound
  • Alphabet Uppercase Writing with Picture of Letter
  • Alphabet Lowercase Writing with Picture of Letter
  • 227 pages
  • Price: $4.50

Check out these other Farm ABC Printables

Farm ABC Letter Find Worksheet has uppercase and lowercase letters that kids can find with a barn theme. You can trace the letters and then find the letters on the barn. A great no-prep farm worksheet.

Farm Animals ABC Lowercase Easy Reader Book is a great way to work on animal beginning sounds. This farm ABC book is great for prek and kindergarten.

Farm No-Prep Weekly Packs has 5 days of printables with 4 worksheets for each day. You have several grade level options Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. They are great for a farm week or morning work.

Garden No-Prep Weekly Packs has 5 days of printables with 4 worksheets for each day. You have the same grade levels as the farm above grade level options Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Farm Pack was the first themed pack I made. This farm printable pack is great for Prek to Kinder. You have a mix of farm worksheets and farm hands-on printables.

Check out all the fun Farm Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Farm & Garden Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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