Firework Fine Motor Mat Printable

Five fun fine motor fireworks printables for kids to use. You have a mix of different types of fine motor activities with a fireworks theme for the Fourth of July, New Year’s Eve, and other fun celebrations.

You can have fun firework tracing, firework dotting, and firework building with these firework fine motor printables. You have three fine motor activities in one place for kids.

These are great firework fine motor activities for the Fourth of July for tot, preschool, and kindergarten age kids.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template, tracing fireworks, and dot marker fireworks. -

This is a great addition to the Fourth of July and New Years’ Printables on the site.

This is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the US Holidays section on the subscriber freebie page.

What are Fine Motor Skills?

Fine motor skills are activities in which you use the small muscles in your hands and wrists to make precise movements.

This can be tearing paper, playdough, pencil control, or coloring with a crayon.

Firework Fine Motor Printables

The firework fine motor printable works on fine motor skills with dot markers, tracing, and a firework template.

Firework Dot Marker Printables

You can see the Firework dot marker page below. These a great for fine motor with dot markers or hands-on items.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template, tracing fireworks, and dot marker fireworks. -

Firework Tracing Printables

You can see the firework tracing printables below. You have one prewriting tracing printable with tracing the one firework printable.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template, tracing fireworks, and dot marker fireworks. -

Firework Template Printables

You can see the firework template below. These firework fine motor printables work great for a playdough mat or coloring, making firework crafts.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template, tracing fireworks, and dot marker fireworks. -

Things to use with the Firework Fine Motor Mat Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the Firework Fine Motor Mat Printable

You are going to see a few ways to use these firework printables. Remember that this a fun mat and kids can have loads of fun with them!

Ways to Use the Firework Dot Marker Printable

Use Dot Markers on the Firework Dot Marker Mat

The most obvious way to use the dot marker fireworks is with dot markers! Yes, we love dot markers and they are so much fun. And they come in so many colors to make this a very fun and colorful fine motor activity.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template, tracing fireworks, and dot marker fireworks. -

Use Glass Gems on the Firework Dot Marker Mat

You are also turn this into a fine mat mat with small glass gems. You can pick any colors you want. We used red glass gems, blue glass gems and clear glass gems. You could use any color of glass gems.

It is recommended that if you are using dot marker firework as a fine motor mat to print on cardstock to help the dot marker page stand up to loads of use.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template, tracing fireworks, and dot marker fireworks. -

You can see how fun the colors of glass gems make the firework! You can do patterns or solid colors. You can let kids be creative with this dot marker firework printable!

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template, tracing fireworks, and dot marker fireworks. -

Ways to Use the Firework Tracing Printable

Just remember there is never just one way to use something! And remember to have fun with this firework tracing printable.

Trace the Fireworks Mats with Crayons

You can use crayons or markers to trace these fireworks. After you trace the outside you can also color on the inside. Or just leave the page with just the tracing. This is a great way to for kids to color fireworks that might not like louds sounds.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with tracing fireworks printable with crayons and markers for a prewriting activity. -

Reuse the Firework Tracing Printable

You can reuse this page as well. It makes a great fine motor worksheet to use several times. You can put it in a sheet protector or laminate it.

Then use dry erase markers to trace the dotted lines of the firework. You get so many great lines to trace in different directions for kids. And they don’t realize it is working on handwriting skills.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with tracing fireworks printable with crayons and markers for a prewriting activity. -

Ways to Use the Firework Mat Printable

Remember this is an open-ended mat. So you can do almost anything with it. You can use torn paper, dot markers, crayons, play dough, and more. But I’ll show you some of these below.

Playdough on the Firework Mat Printable

You can use the fine motor mat as a playdough mat. You can use one color or several colors of playdough to make the fireworks. And this is great for making the snakes and then put them on the mat.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template for playdough, coloring and crafts. -

Color the Firework Mat Printable

You can also just color the mat. You can use crayons, markers, or dot markers. You can see how we use the dot markers below and slide the markers to make the fireworks. This is super simple and fun for kids to do.

 Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template for playdough, coloring and crafts. -

What you will find in the Free Firework Fine Motor Printable

  • 1 Firework Tracing Printable
  • 1 Firework Dot Marker Printable
  • 1 Firework Fine Motor Mat Printable
  • 3 pages
Free Firework Fine Motor Printables - with blank firework template, tracing fireworks, and dot marker fireworks. -

More Fine Motor Fourth of July Pirntables

Dot Marker American Flag Printable is another great fine motor activity four the Fourth of July or Flag Day!

This Q-Tip American Flag is a great fine motor activity. It could also be done with just paints or with mini dot markers. And the q-tip American flag is in color and black and white.

4th of July Placemats a great for the 4th of July, Flag Day and Memorial Day. You have four fun placemat printables to use.

Check out all the fun Fourth of July Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Cassie –


  1. I have written the subscriber password from my email and I am not getting access to the fireworks printable. Can you please email me the resource.


    1. Hi,
      You can read over the help file here for help with the password:

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      I did check the newsletter and you have not opened a newsletter email in a while.

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      After you enter the password, follow the directions below. They are also on the subscriber page.
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      3. Click the name to get the printable.
      4. Be sure to watch out for dates when limited subscriber freebies are available.

      The firework fine motor mats are under US Holiday or Prewriting Practice.

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