Buttons: Sorting Letters and Learning Name

Sorting Button Letters

Sorting Letters from Name
What you need: ABC buttons letters from the name (I got mine at Walmart 4 packs), basket, and sorting bin.

Sorting Button Letters

Mary started the 4 letters.

Sorting Button Letters

Mary said each letter as she sorted them.

Sorting Button Letters

Matching Button Letters to Written name.
What you need: ABC buttons letters for name sorted and paper with their name written on it.

Sorting Button Letters

After Mary sorted I wrote out the her name on the paper. She matched the buttons to the letters on the paper. Spelling out her name. The first one I helped her with.

Sorting Button Letters

Mary said each letter as she placed them. After a name was completed we said her name.

Sorting Button Letters

Mary was happy when she finished the task.

Sorting Button Letters

This was a fun way to learn the letters in her name.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. What a great activity – this I’m going to try with foam letters as I don’t think we can get letter buttons in the UK (shame 🙁 ). Thank you so much for linking up to Tuesday Tots and just letting you know that I will be featuring this activity this week over on Rainy Day Mum.

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