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Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel

Hanukkah is a great time for kids to do some simple math with a dreidel! We love spinning the dreidel the 8 nights of Hanukkah.

It is always fun to play the game but this year I wanted to have some fun with some graphing. It is a fun to see the graph fill up as they do the work.

I have some free Hanukkah Spin & Count The Dreidel printables to help with this.

Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel - 2 graphs and one tally sheet to work on math with a dreidel - 3Dinosaurs.com

This is a great addition to the Hanukkah printables on the site.

There are two types of sheets in the set. You have a 1 to 5 and a 1 to 10. They each have the symbols at the bottom and are a no-prep printable. This will meet the needs of different ages of kids.

Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel - 2 graphs and one tally sheet to work on math with a dreidel - 3Dinosaurs.com

How we used these printables

The only items you need for this are dreidel and crayons. IF you don’t have one there is a spinner in the printable set you can use.

Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel - 2 graphs and one tally sheet to work on math with a dreidel - 3Dinosaurs.com

When I set up the printable I give them the crayons to color the top and the dreidel. It is simple and easy you just need a blue, yellow and gray crayon.

Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel - 2 graphs and one tally sheet to work on math with a dreidel - 3Dinosaurs.com

After they spin the dreidel they color the matching Hebrew letter on the paper.

Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel - 2 graphs and one tally sheet to work on math with a dreidel - 3Dinosaurs.com

When a column reaches the top they then color the dreidels in the correct order. It goes blue, yellow, and then green.

Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel - 2 graphs and one tally sheet to work on math with a dreidel - 3Dinosaurs.com

If you want to have fun and have a dreidel that has colors on all the sides you can color the columns to make the dreidel.

Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel - 2 graphs and one tally sheet to work on math with a dreidel - 3Dinosaurs.com

And because I love having different things I also threw in a tally sheet for kids to use. This has the symbols and a tally row. I love giving them a time limit to spin or a number of spins to do.

Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel - 2 graphs and one tally sheet to work on math with a dreidel - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel Printables

  • 3 pages of graphing printables
  • Spin & count and graph 1 to 10 or 1 to 5
  • Spin and tally the dreidel
Free Hanukkah Spin & Count Dreidel - 2 graphs and one tally sheet to work on math with a dreidel - 3Dinosaurs.com #hanukkahforkids #freeprintables

Hanukkah Roll & Graph Set has graphing, letters, shapes, and numbers with two versions with rolling dice and dreidel version.

Check out all the Hanukkah Activities and Printables on the site.


Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. Cassie, THANK YOU! I have a handful of Jewish patients and I think that they are going to love this fun activity. I am going to try it next week with them and I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂

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