
Apple Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats

After we had the apple counting mats I thought it would be fun to have some mats for adding and subtracting.

We have been exploring lots of different ways that we could do our math activities. I know that my youngest just loves playdough mats and the counting mats that have been in the printable packs. I wanted to do something different so I made these free ten frame mats with an apple theme for her.

Free Apple Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats: adding or subtracting using numbers 1 to 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com

Over the years the one thing I have noticed is that each of my girls learns at different levels. There is never just one way that each of them learns. I have changed and adapted my teaching as they grow. We have been working on ten frame counting over the last year, and my youngest has just loved it.

Plus my girls love seasonal changes for learning, and I love making fun new ways for them to learn.

Each of the mats has two ten frames for doing some hands-on math. Plus a tree to put apples on with the total number of apples added or subtracted.

Free Apple Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats: adding or subtracting using numbers 1 to 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com

Here is a look at how we used the mats. We used unifix cubes for the ten frames and pony beads for the apple trees. You can also use playdough or pom poms on the mats as well. There are numbers you can cut out and use on the equation or you can put the page in a sheet protectors or laminate them and use dry eraser markers to write in the equations.

Free Apple Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats: adding or subtracting using numbers 1 to 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com

There is a fun apple spinner with the set. You use a paperclip and pencil to make the spinner. When we use this on the subtraction mat we use the bigger of the two numbers of our spins for the first number in our equation. I make sure they understand which is bigger.

Free Apple Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats: adding or subtracting using numbers 1 to 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com

What in the No-Prep Apple Themed Math Printables Addition & Subtraction

It is a collection of 30 pages on no-prep activities for addition and subtraction. It also includes great math center activities of roll and graph and a math fact sheet.

No Prep Apple Themed Addition & Subtraction - 30 pages no-prep printables with a mix of addition and subtraction activities plus a math center activity - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepmath #tpt #addition #subtraction

What you will find in these printables:

  • 30 pages of no-prep printables for addition and subtraction
  • Apple Themed Math Fact Review Page
  • Roll & Graph Addition for 1 to 6 and 1 to 10
  • Spinner to use with Roll & Graph and math fact page
  • Price: $4

You can check out a sample of the pages here.

What you will find in the Apple Addition & Subtraction Math Printables:

  • Addition Math with 10 Frames
  • Subtraction Math with 10 Frames
  • 1 to 10 apple spinner to use with mats
  • 20 apples for using with the mats
  • 2 sets of numbers 1 through 20
  • 5 pages of printables
Free Apple Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats: adding or subtracting using numbers 1 to 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out These other apple printables:

Check out all the fun Apple Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Apple Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Free Apple Themed Addition & Subtraction Mats: adding or subtracting using numbers 1 to 10 - 3Dinosaurs.com


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