Review: Pick and Draw
Product: Pick and Draw
By: Rich Davis
Price: $10 plus shipping
This is a unique way to make funny cartoon faces. Every face is different and no one draws them the same way. How to play is very simple. You can try it out on their website.
On the cards, the creator had the following to say.
“I have made this Pick and Draw game so that you and I can draw together. I want it to be fun for you and I think you will be surprised how well you can draw. Your ability to create is a gift from God. So grab your paper and pencil and let’s draw!”
Rich Davis
I took the cards out and looked at the 7 Instruction Cards. I explained the rules and we began together using the same cards. It was fun to see how different and similar our drawings could be. R. and A. took turns turning over cards or calling out what part they wanted to turn over. They loved the flow of the play. We quickly went through all the cards and everyone wanted to keep going.
A. loved the pictures and would talk about how the eyes were sleepy or sad or closed. R. would talk about the shapes of the eyes: ovals, circles or curves. Both were smiling while we were playing.
A. did not always get as close to the cards as she could and would often do her own interpretations. R. tried to follow the cards as closely as possible and often got upset when others were not. Both enjoyed the game and have asked when they get to play again.
Their second time playing M was with them. M., who is 2, liked to point out the different parts of the head. If you said eyes, she pointed to her eyes.
This is great for working on fine motor skill and visual learning at the same time. All while having fun!
How will we be using it in the near future:
- Working on emotions of others
- Making up stories
- Coloring our faces
- Adding a body to match the face
- Story book about our faces
After reading several reviews on Pick and Draw, I am glad that we order it. The cards will be used many times in our home.
Cassie –
PS. I did this review no one asked me to do it!
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