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Free Summer Olympics Pack for Tot, Preschool, Prek, & Kindergarten

The free Summer Olympics Pack has loads of summer sports and Olympic activities for kids. It is a great learning pack with loads of sports you will find during the summer and the summer Olympics.

There are many types of pages with many variations for kids to work on during the Summer Olympics.

This Summer Olympic Pack was made with Tot, Preschool, Prek, and Kindergarten age kids in mind. You have lots of summer sports for kids to check out.

Free Summer Olympics Pack for Tot, Preschool, Prek, & Kindergarten - A mix of summer sport and summer Olympic activities for kids. You have hands-on activities and no-prep worksheets to use with kids. 3Dinosaurs.com

The Summer Olympics Pack is a great addition to the Olympic Printables and the free printable packs on the site.

Summer Olympics Pack

These Summer Olympics printables are to be used with children from 2 to 7. The activities in this printable pack is great for tot (ages 2 to 3), preschool (ages 3 to 4), prek (ages 4 to 5) and a few ideas for kindergarten (ages 5 to 6).

The pack includes a mix of hands-on activities and no-prep worksheets. It also includes Olympic rings, medals, and loads of summer sports themes. Thus, this pack can be used during any summer.

The Summer Olympics Prek and Kindergarten Pack contains over 100 pages of printables, and the Summer Olympics Tot and Preschool Pack contains 22 pages.

Summer Olympic Books to use with is Pack

These printables were made to go with the book G is for Gold Medal: An Olympics Alphabet by Brad Herzog and Doug Bowles.

G is for Gold Medal: An Olympics Alphabet (Sports Alphabet)

Curious George and the Summer Games is a great book to learn about different sports that you can do during the summer. Plus it is fun to see the Adventures that George gets into.

Hour of the Olympics (Magic Tree House) is a great Magic tree House book to learn about the Olympics and a little history. You can also read the Ancient Greece and the Olympics. It has facts about the Olympics.

Things to use with the Summer Olympics Pack Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

You could also host an Olympic games event. It would be fun to do with this Olympic Pack!

Here is a look at the pages in the Summer Olympics Pack for PreK and Kindergarten

There are a lot of different activities in the Summer Olympic packs. This printable pack is great for prek (ages 4 to 5) and a few ideas for kindergarten (ages 5 to 6).

Olympic Vocab Card Printable

You have several different vocab cards in the pack. You have torch, gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal, archery, cycling, boxing, canoeing, equestrian, fencing, field hockey, aquatics, basketball tennis, gymnastics, football, soccer, Olympic Rings, volleyball, tennis ball, football, soccer, foil, basketball, gloves, and torch carrier.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - 36 vocab cards to use with kids with 9 cards on each page. 3Dinosaurs.com

Olympic Vocab 3 Part Card Printables

You have 3 part cards in this pack. You can see below how they match. You can set up and matching activity where you talk about the vocab card and then you match the word and the picture.

Another way to work on the vocab cards with kids. You have the same 3 part cards as the vocab cards.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - how to use the 3 part cards with the vocab cards. 3Dinosaurs.com

Which One is Different Worksheet

You have six different Which one is different worksheets in the set. You have five rows of pictures on each page. You are going to find the one that is different in each row.

You can have kids circle the pictures or you could use clear glass gems to cover the picture that is different.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - which one is different worksheet to find the different one in each row. 3Dinosaurs.com

What Comes Next Worksheet

You have 5 summer sports and Olympic themed what comes next worksheets. You have AB and ABC patterns in each of the rows. Kids cut and paste the missing pattern at the end of each of the rows. You can do several of these with all the different options.

These are great for fine motor work with cutting and pasting the pictures.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - four rows os AB and ABC patterns for kids to cut the paste the final part of the pattern. 3Dinosaurs.com

Prewriting Practice Printable Worksheets

You have three different prewriting printable worksheets in the set. You can use the one that works best for you. You can see that we put the prewriting page in a sheet protector and use dry erase markers on the prewriting lines.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - 3 pages of prewriting printables with different lines for kids to trace . 3Dinosaurs.com

Olympic Pattern Cards

You have two set of pattern cards. You have a Medal Pattern with with gold medals, silver medals, and bronze medals. You have a set with boy torch carrier, girl torch carrier and a torch.

You can see below that use cards to make different AB or ABC patterns. You could mix in more and do more complex patterns that are ABCD.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - 2 sets of patterns cards with medals and then torches. 3Dinosaurs.com

Olympic & Summer Sports Matching Cards

You have 36 matching cards. You have two pages of the cards. You print them on cardstock and cut them out to make matching games.

You can do all the cards or use just a few cards at at time.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - 36 matching cards for kids to match the pictures that are the same,. 3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Sports 4 Piece Puzzle Printables

You have 16 four piece puzzles for kids to build. You have different summer sports and Olympic themes for them to build. You can use only a few puzzles or all the puzzles.

You can also print the puzzles twice and once one as a template for kids to build the puzzles.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - 16 four piece puzzles with summer posts and Olympics themes. 3Dinosaurs.com

Olympic and Summer Sports 10 Piece Puzzle Printables

You have several 10 piece puzzles. You have 1 to 10 with the Olympic Rings, 11 to 20 with Boys doing summer sports, 21 to 30 girls doing summer sports, 31-40 a fun Gymnastic puzzle, 41 to 50 with a torch background and medals.

You can see the Olympic rings puzzle below. You can see how the puzzles from from 1 to 10 and build the Olympic rings.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - 10 piece puzzle with the Olympic ring colors-  3Dinosaurs.com

Here is a look at the girls doing summer sports for the puzzle. You can see how the numbers on the puzzle go from 21 to 30.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - 10 piece puzzle with girls doing summer sports-  3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Sports and Olympic Number Count & Clip Cards 1 to 15 Printables

You have a set of number clip cards. Kids counting the pictures on each card and then clip the correct number below. You can see some of the clip cards below. We printable our cards on cardstock and laminated them.

We used clothespins for the clipping, but you could also paperclips.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - Olympic and summer sports clip cards -  3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Olympic Beginning Sound Worksheet

You have a beginning sound worksheets for kids. These match the summer sports and Olympic Vocab cards. You can use this as a worksheet but you could also use them as clip cards. You can do which works best for each kids needs.

You can see we kept the page together and used clear glass gems to cover the beginning sound letters.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - Beginning sound worksheet for kids or cut for clip cards -  3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Sport Find the Same

You have two find the same worksheets. You have a picture at the beginning of each row. You are gong to find the same picture that is the same size. You can circle the pictures that are the same.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - find the same picture in each row a great worksheet -  3Dinosaurs.com

Cutting Practice Worksheet

Yo have a cutting worksheet where kids cut from the left side of the paper to the right side. You have medals on the right side. These are great for working on cutting skills.

G is for Gold Medal: An Olympics Alphabet (Sports Alphabet)

Gold Medal Size Sequencing

You have a fun just a sequencing by size printables that have a gold medal theme. You can have kids do biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest.

You can see biggest to smallest below.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - sorting gold medals by size -  3Dinosaurs.com

Sorting Boy & Girls Worksheet

You have a sorting worksheet with boys and girls. You cut out the pictures at the bottom and cut and paste the pictures to match the correct column.

Sorting People and Sorts Equipment Worksheet

You also have a sorting worksheet for sorting people and different sports equipment. You can use this as a one time worksheet.

You can also laminate the page and use it in a sorting center for kids. You can see how that would look below.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - sorting people and equipment with 5 pictures for each side. -  3Dinosaurs.com

Medal Sorting by Size Printable

You have a sorting by size mat and three sizes of medals for kids to sort. You can give kids a few of the medals to sort or all the medals to sort. You can pick which is best your needs.

You can see we printed the sorting mat and medals on cardstock and laminated them.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - sorting gold medals by size -  3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Sports Pocket Chart Cards

You have pocket chart cards for the vocab cards in the summer Olympic Pack. You have display these on the wall for kids to see the sport and the word for the sport.

These are great to print on cardstock and laminate.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - pocket chart vocab cards to display for kids -  3Dinosaurs.com

Trace Beginning Sound of the Words Printable

For the same words in the pocket chart chards you have tracing of the beginning sounds. You can keep the page together to trace the letters.

Or you can laminate them and use them as tracing strips.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - tracing the beginning sounds of each of the words -  3Dinosaurs.com

Trace the Summer Sports Word Printables

You have tracing pages for the summer sports words. You can keep the pages together and trace the words. You can also laminate and use these are summer sport tracing word strips. If you do this then store them on a ring.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - tracing the sports words -  3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Sport Write the Words Printable

You have different summer sports works for kids to writing. You can use the pocket chart cards to hep with the spelling of the words.

You can keep the sheets together and give them the matching pocket chart cards to make a writing center. You could also ask them to just write the beginning sound as well for younger kids.

Medals for Counting

You have set of medals with gold, silver, and bronze. These are to be used with the math mats below.

Numbers for Math Mats

You have a set of numbers you can use with the math mats, You have 1 to 10 and 1 to 20.

Medal Counting Mat Printable

You have a medal counting mat. You have space for counting the medals on the mat with a space for place the numbers to match the medals.

You can draw a number and them put that many medals on the counting mat.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - a easy to use medal counting mat -  3Dinosaurs.com

Medal Addition Mat Printable

You have a medal addition mat. It has an addition equation at the bottom of the mat for kids to fill out the numbers.

You pick to numbers. Then you put the medals on the mat in two groups and then do the addition for the numbers.

Medal Subtraction Mat Printable

You have a medal subtraction mat. It has an subtraction equation at the bottom of the mat for kids to fill out the numbers.

You pick two numbers. You use the bigger number at the start of the equation and the smaller number next in equation.

You then put medals on the mat to match the bigger numbers. Then you take away medals that match the smaller number. Then you write or pick the answers to the equation.

Greater Than / Less than Math Mat Printable

The greater than and less than mat compares numbers from 1 to 20. You pick two numbers and put them in the spaces on the right side and the left side of the squares. Then you look to see if the numbers are the small or equal, greater than or less than. Then you put the correct symbol in the middle.

Color the Pattern Torch Worksheet

You have a row a torches where kids and color a pattern on the torches. You can color the patter at the start and have them finish the row with that patter or let them pick their own paper. The torches are fun to do with red, yellow and orange for flame colors.

Color the Pattern Sports Balls Worksheet

You have five rows of sports balls for kids to color a pattern on each row. You can make AB and ABC patterns for kids to color.

Color the Pattern Rings Worksheet

There is also a color the pattern with rings. You can see below that we started the pattern on the rings below. We used colors from the Olympic Rings.

You can give them the worksheet below and let them finish the patterns.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - a fun coloring pattern cards -  3Dinosaurs.com

Color by Size Sport Balls Worksheet

You have a small and big sizes for kids to work on. You can color the big balls blue and the small balls yellow. It is a fun size worksheet for kids.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - a color by size worksheet that uses different types of sports balls. -  3Dinosaurs.com

Fill in the Missing Pattern Worksheets

You have three fill in the missing pattern worksheets. Each page has three rows of patterns. And there is a two parts of the pattern that is missing. Kids work on finding the missing pictures and putting them in the right order to make the pattern complete.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - fill in the missing pattern worksheets work on AB and ABC pattern for kids -  3Dinosaurs.com

Read Write and Count the Room Printables

You have a worksheet that that has a picture for each row. You find the picture around the room and fill out the information on the worksheet to say how many they are and what the word is for the picture. There are ten numbers for the set.

8 Page Small Folding Books

You have two types of small folding books. You have a set with the picture and the word in print and set with tracing the words.

You have a book with Olympic themes and one with summer sports. The How to make the small books post has directions on how to make the books.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - fill in the missing pattern worksheets work on AB and ABC pattern for kids -  3Dinosaurs.com

Olympic Rings Color By Number Worksheet

You have a Olympic ring color by number for kids. You have the five rings with the matching colors for kids to color.

The Olympic Rings are five interlinking rings. You have one blue, one yellow, one black, one green and one red. Each of the colors represents the colors from the five continents: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - a fun coloring page with the Olympic rings that you color by number -  3Dinosaurs.com

Dot Marker Olympic Rings Printable

You have the Olympic rings dot marker printable to use with kids. You can use dot markers to dot the rings and have fun with kids fine motor activity.

You can see more ideas plus a different ring printable in the Dot marker Olympic Rings.

Free Dot Marker Olympic Rings - fun fine motor printable for working on making the Olympic Rings with dots - 3Dinosaurs.com

Stamp Beginning Sound Worksheet

You have several worksheets with stamping the beginning sound worksheet. You have the beginning sound letters next to the picture.

You can stamp uppercase only, lowercase only or both uppercase and lowercase letters. It is a great beginning sound idea for kids who might not be ready for writing.

We used ABC stamps for the stamps.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - An easy letter stamping worksheet where kids stamp the beginning sound of the picture -  3Dinosaurs.com

Here is a look at the pages in the Summer Olympics Tot Pack for Tot and Preschool

These are the different activities you can check out from the Summer Olympics Tot Pack. This is a tot (ages 2 to 3) and preschool (ages 3 to 4) activities.

Summer Sports Solid Line Prewriting Printables

You have three different prewriting lines. You have a line that is straight, angled down line and angled up lines. Each page one has one line going to the same direction. You have a sport with the line to trace to the gold medal.

You can use beginning pencils on the page or put the page in a sheet protector and use dry erase markers to trace over and over.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - prewriting printables for kids with thick lines to trace. 3Dinosaurs.com

Counting Cards Printable

You have little counting cards. Each of the cards has a number and number word with that many items on the cards to count. You can work on putting them in order or counting each of the items on the cards.

They have torches, balls, and medals for the counting.

Summer Olympic Cutting Practice Printable

You have five cutting strips on a pieces of paper. You can cut out the strips for kids to work on cutting practice. Each strip has different sports pictures for kids on each cut.

These are fun to glue onto papers after you cut them out.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - cutting practice strips for kids with each to use cutting lines. 3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Sports and Olympics 2 Piece Puzzle Printables

You have 36 two piece puzzles for kids to match. You can do all the puzzles or just a few puzzles at a time. You can print the puzzles on cardstock and have kids match the to sides of the puzzle.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - 35 two piece puzzles that kids can match the puzzle pieces. 3Dinosaurs.com

You can also print them on copy paper, cut out the four pictures without cutting the middle and let kids cut the middle and and then glue the two pieces to a piece of paper.

Color the Ring Small Book

You have a small easy reader book with 11 color words in the book. Kids can read the sentence and find the color word. Each of the color words match the color they will be coloring the ring.

You can see the page says “This ring is yellow”. And the word yellow in colored yellow. You can give kids the 11 colors in crayons
to color each of the rings in the book.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - small color book with kids coloring rings 11 different colors. 3Dinosaurs.com

Summer Olympics & Sports Matching Card Printables

You have 36 different matching cards to use with kids. You have different sports and Olympics themes. You can use all the cards together or just a few at a time. You print two of each page to make the matching game.

You can also print the cards twice and leave one card set together and have kids match the cut out cards to the same cards put together. You can see this activity below.

The matching cards are great activity to print on cardstock and laminate.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - you have 36 sports matching cards-  3Dinosaurs.com

9 Piece Puzzles Printable

You have a fun nine piece puzzle that kids can make. It has medals and rings on the picture. You can print this once and have kids build the puzzle. Or you can print the puzzle twice and leave one puzzle together for kids to match the puzzle pieces.

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - 9 piece puzzles with medals and Olympic Rings -  3Dinosaurs.com

Free Summer Olympics Pack contains over 100 pages of Printables:

(Part 1) Olympic Vocab Cards, Olympic Vocab 3 Part Cards, Which one is Different, What Comes Next?, Prewriting Practice, Olympic Pattern Cards, Olympic & Summer Sports Matching Cards, 4 Piece Puzzles, 10 Piece Puzzles, Number Count & Clip Cards 1 to 15

(Part 2) Summer Olympic Beginning Sound Worksheet, Summer Sport Find the Same, Cutting Practice, Gold Medal Size Sequencing, Sorting Bog & Girls, Sorting People and Sorts Equipment, Medal Sorting by Size, Wall Cards, Trace Beginning Sound, Trace the Word, Write the Word, Medals for Counting, Numbers for Math Mats, Medal Counting mat, Medal Addition Mat, Medal Subtraction Mat, Greater Than/ Less than Math Mat

(Part 3) Color the Pattern Torch, Color the Pattern Torches, Color by Size Sport Balls, Fill in the Missing Pattern, Read Write and Count the Room, 8 page Small Folding Books, Ring Color By Number, Dot Marker Olympic Rings, Stamp Beginning Sound

Free Summer Olympics Printables - over 100 pages of hands-on and no-prep activities for kids. You have vocab cards, clip cards, worksheets and more with summer sports themes and Olympic themes. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Free Summer Olympics Tot Pack has 22 pages of Printables

Summer Sports Solid Line Prewriting, Counting, Cutting Practice, 2 Piece Puzzle, Color the Ring Small Book, Summer Olympics & Sports Matching Cards, 9 Piece Puzzles

Free Summer Olympics Tot Printables - has 22 pages with matching cards, prewriting, color book, match cards and more - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Summer Sport Printables

Summer Sports No-Prep Weekly Packs has five days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. The Summer No-Prep packs are great for summer games or any summer sports theme.

The Summer Olympic Easy Reader Book is a fun book about what summer sports you can see. It is an 8 page book that is great for kindergarten age kids.

Summer Sports Bookmarks are a great way to learn sports names. You can put the sport bookmarks on a ring and flip through the names. These are great for many different ages to use to learn the sports.

Sports Dot the Number & Counting has Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Baseball & Football. You have a dot marker number with counting from 0 to 20! You have color and black and white versions.
Check out all the fun Olympic Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Olympic Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Graphics purchased from Scrapping Doodles

Scrappin Doodles License.


  1. Great packet! Thanks for offering it for free. I have a 3 and a 5 year old. Very excited to do these with them.

    The letter writing practice in packet 2 has an error. There is a boy holding a basketball. The line starts with the letter g then the rest of the line is filled with the letter b. I believe that the first letter g is in error and should be a letter b.

  2. Hello from Singapore! Thanks so much for the great freebie! My 3 and 6-year old will love this! 🙂

  3. This is just amazing! I found tons of great activities for my 4 and 6-year-old. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this! It’s so appreciated!

  4. This is so amazing and so generous of you to offer it for free! I know this took a lot of work to put together. I can’t wait to get it all printed out. My boys are going to love it. We’re so excited about the Olympics. A wonderful principal that I taught under has a daughter who qualified for the US Javelin team. It will be so fun to have someone to cheer for from our hometown!!

    1. Please make sure you are clicking on the 4 links at the bottom and not the Ad on the side of the page.

  5. This helped me a lot in my curriculum assignment for my Montessori Diploma. Thank you for offering it for free.

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