CVCe Word Family Coloring Pages
We will be use these Coloring Pages with Bob Books Set 5- Long Vowels.
Please print off as many or as few as you would like as many times as you would like. If you find any errors or typos please let me know. Download is below.
Related tags: CVCe Word Family Printables, Second Grade, Third Grade
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CVCe Word Family Coloring Pages
CVCe Word Family Coloring Pages contains 63 pages:
- They have the following CVCe Word Family endings: -ace words, -age words, -ake words, -ale words, -ame words, -ane words, -ape words, -ase words, -ate words, -ave words, -ice words, -ide words, -ike words, -ile words, -ime words, -ine words, -ipe words, -ire words, -ite words, -ive words, -obe words, -ode words, -oke words, -ole words, -ome words, -one words, -ose words, -ote words, -ube words, -une words, -ute words
- 2 types for each page: color the picture of the word, tracing the word or write the word, and draw & write your own word.
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Looking for additional ideas check out my Pinterest board.
Learning To Read Coloring Pages Bundle
Learning To Read Coloring Pages Bundle contains 364 pages:
Each set has the following printables: color the picture of the word, tracing the word or write the word, and draw & write your own word.
- CVC Word families: -ab, -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, -ap, -at, -ed, -eg, -en, -et, -ib, -id, -ig, -im, -in, -ip, -it, -ix, -ob, -od, -og, -op, -ot, -ox, -ub, -ud, -ug, -um, -un, -up, -ut
- CVCe Word families: -ace words, -age words, -ake words, -ale words, -ame words, -ane words, -ape words, -ase words, -ate words, -ave words, -ice words, -ide words, -ike words, -ile words, -ime words, -ine words, -ipe words, -ire words, -ite words, -ive words, -obe words, -ode words, -oke words, -ole words, -ome words, -one words, -ose words, -ote words, -ube words, -une words, -ute words
- CVCC Word families: -ACK Word Family, -ALL Word Family, -AMP Word Family, -AND Word Family, -ANT Word Family, -ASH Word Family, -ECK Word Family, -ELL Word Family, -END Word Family, -EST Word Family, -ICK Word Family, -ILL Word Family, -ING Word Family, -INK Word Family, -ISH Word Family, -OCK Word Family, -UCK Word Family, -UMP Word Family, -UNG Word Family, -UNK Word Family, -USH Word Family
- Double Consonants: ff words (2 different pages), ll words (2 different pages), ss words (2 different pages), zz words (2 different pages)
- R-Controlled Vowel: ar words,er words, ir words, or words, ur words
- Diphthong: -au words, -aw words, -ew words, -oi words, -oo words, -ou words, -ow words, -oy words
- Vowel Teams: -ai words, -ay words, -ea words, -ee words, -ie words, -oa words, -oe words,-ue words, -ui words
- Digraphs: ch-, -ch, -ck, -gh, gh-, kn, -ng, ph-, qu-, sh-, -sh, th-, -th, wh-, wr-
- Blends: bl-, br-, cl-, cr-, fl-, fr--, gr-, gl-, pl-, pr-, sc-, sk-,sl-, sm-, sn-, sp-, st-, sw-, tr-
- Blends Ending Sounds: -ct, -ft, -ld, -lf, -lk, -lp, -lt, -mp, -nd, -ng, -kn, -nt, -pt, -sk, -sp, -st
- Trigraphs: scr- words, shr- words, spl- words, spr- words, squ- words, str- words, thr- words, -dge words, -tch words
Looking for additional ideas check out my Pinterest board.