Jump Frog Jump Gross Motor with Printable

We love the book Jump, Frog, Jump! The girls have loved it since Rose had it first read to her in preschool. Since then we have gone through 2 board books and at least 3 paper backs of the book. This activity also goes great with the Pond Pack.
What you need: Pencil or something to write with, Jump, Frog, Jump!, tally sheet and die.

First we read through the book and do the gross motor activity every time they say the animal. It can be fun and challenging. It is a good way to teach the movements to the kids. You can see the list of movements below.

Then the fun begins. We start with youngest first at our house. Some times we switch the rule around.

I hope that these simple gross motor activities can help bring the book alive for you!

Check out all the fun Pond & Frog Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
I love this! Pinned to my frogs and amphibians board. Thanks for sharing!
This is great! Pinned it! Thanks for sharing at TGIF!
You are welcome! We have lots of fun doing it! Also thanks for pinning!
That looks like fun! Thanks for sharing!
I should definitely do more of this type of thing with my kids. Thanks for the idea, Cassie!
It is fun to do them! We really enjoy it!
This is great! My first graders always enjoyed moving around to a reading of Jump, Frog, Jump!, but I never thought about adding the tallying to it.
I love that how you made this a active free printable =) You are so clever!
I featured this today at TGIF – http://www.123homeschool4me.com/2013/05/tgif-linky-party-77.html Thanks for linking up and sharing your creativity with all of us! Feel free to grab an I was featured button if you like and I hope to see you linked up later today!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Beth =)