Looking Back at 2017, January 2018 Goals & 2018 Calendar

It is always sad when a year comes to a close. But it is also happy because I can look back and see everything I got done in the year. Keeping track of my goals helps me see what I accomplished when at times I feel like I got nothing done.

2017 was a great year for me. I took time for me when I needed it and worked on so many asked for projects.

3 Dinosaurs passed over 2,000 blog posts. I made 57 requested printables. My family moved into a house, and we are slowly unpacking. It is amazing everything that happens in a year when you keep track.

Last year I used a calendar to help with some of these and I’m going to again this year.

Goals for January 2018 and Free 2018 12 month calendar - 3Dinosaurs.com #freecalendar #freeprintables

I have enjoyed setting goals and keeping them. I always fill out my Yearly Goals writing to make sure I know what my long-term goals are.

Then I keep track of my goals monthly.

I have three big goals for 2018. These are the goals I work all year. I break them into three areas: blog, family, person. Then each month I make small goals or to do lists that help me with each goal. It allows me to check off what I have got done.

My 2018 Goals are:
– Update my blog with a new design
– Unpack my house and organize everything
– Get back into a healthy shape

And my theme for my year will be: Slow Down.

I don’t always post my themed but this year I am. I have spent the last few months rushing to get this done or that done. And it just has not happened. So I want that reminder to slow down and enjoy my time.

January 2018 Blog Goals

December was an okay month for the blog. I did loads of updating of pages and making sure download pages were up to date. I kept to my list of things I wanted to do. I hope to keep that up for 2018 as well. I also started a huge list of requests I’ve had over the years in one place. I hope to start working on some of those.

I’ve also started working on a new design for the website. I’m very excited about it!

You can keep an eye out for them and previews of them on Instagram.

  • Start round up themes on the blog for my non-seasonal activities (Do you have a round up of mine you would like to see done?)
  • Post more crafts on the blog.
  • Update web site for https and design changes.
  • Plan for the big winter release: Romping & Roaring Second Grade Sight Word Packs & Interactive Number Books (Coming VERY soon)
  • Consider posting only 3 or 4 days a week – and get ahead on my posting by at least 4 days.
  • Don’t buy any new supplies until May 2018!
  • Finish 3 or 4 smaller selling products for the month – There will be up on Teachers Pay Teacher as I make them.
  • Create a total project list of all started projects with projected release dates. Schedule steps for pictures and when we will use them.
  • Keep Sending regular newsletter out – Yes, I am sending one now! And a Subscriber Freebie coming very soon!
  • Make a list of reuqested projects to finish – Do you have a request?

January 2018 Family Goals

December was the most laid back we have ever had. We did not rush things. We took it easy and did not trying and do everything. It was really a nice time. I hope to keep that going. Plus we started a new chore system that I hope to show you guys very soon.

  • Upack more and declutter more!
  • Organize what we have unpack better
  • Limit computer time for everyone – including me!
  • Read to my girls every day.
  • Do a Family Movie night twice a month
  • Fill out TO DO LIST daily
  • Make a weekly menu!
  • Make daily and weekly chore charts for my girls
  • Fill out and Check off: Daily, Weekly & Monthly Cleaning Cart

January 2018 Personal Goals

I wish I could say I met my personal goals last month. I did not. It was a hard month for me but I did make it through the time.

  • Limit all sugary drinks
  • Daily Fitness – walking 6 days at least week – Even with all the packing fitness still needs to happen.
  • Make 10,000 steps EVERY day – weekends too. Keep track using Fitbit Charge HR Wireless Activity Wristband.
  • Schedule my tasks that need to be done for: blog, personal and family.
  • Read/Listen to 5 books for the whole month – Pick good books not random books with no meaning
  • Read at least one book about being a better parent

2018 To-Do Calendar

Last year this calendar was a huge help for me. I loved using it and it was nice to have something I could check out at the end of the month.

Goals for January 2018 and Free 2018 12 month calendar - 3Dinosaurs.com #freecalendar #freeprintables

The set has all 12 months and each month has a to-do list on the side. I find when I write it down it helps me remember more what it is I’m working towards.

What you will find in these printables:

  • 12 Calendars for 2018
  • To-Do List on each page

Goals for January 2018 and Free 2018 12 month calendar - 3Dinosaurs.com

Here are some things I plan on using with these calendar printables:

January 2018 Goals - 3Dinosaurs.com

Be sure to check out these other goals as well:

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


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