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Free Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting

Hands-on sorting activities are a great way to work on blends with kids. This ending blend activity works on ending blends with t.

You have -nt, -ft, -pt and -st ending blends for kids to learn. It is a fun way to change up from worksheets to hands-on activities for learning.

You can working on sorting all the cookies or just a few of the ending blend cookies.

Free Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting with -nt, -ft, -pt and -st ending blends. You have cookie jar sorting mats with ending blend with four ending blend pictures on the cookies to sort - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting is a great addition to the ending blends printables on the site.

The Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the blends section on the subscriber freebie page.

What is an Ending Blend?

A blend is when two or more consonants are blended together, but the letters in blends all make a separate sound.

St would be an example of the consonant blend. So the word nest has as ending blend of st

You sound out s and t sounds in the word.

Ending blend examples are: -ct, -ft, -ld, -lf, -lk, -lp, -lt, -mp, -nd, -ng, -nk, -nt, -pt, -sk, -sp, -st.

Cookie Ending Blend Printable

The cookie ending blend printable works on four t ending blends. You have -nt, -lt, -pt and -st ending blends.

Cookie Jar Ending Blend Sorting Mats

Each jar has a ending blend letters at the top. You have -nt, -lt, -pt and -st on the jars.

Free Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting with -nt, -ft, -pt and -st ending blends. You have cookie jar sorting mats with ending blend with four ending blend pictures on the cookies to sort - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cookie Ending Blend Cards

You have four ending blends cards for each cookie jar. You can see the ending blend words below.

Ending blend -nt words: plant, vent, cent, tent
Ending blend -lt words: melt, quilt, bolt, salt
Ending blend -pt words: erupt, swept, sculpt, slept
Ending blend -st words: cast, fist, nest, list

If you use this set a lot, I recommend printing on cardstock and laminating the cards

Free Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting with -nt, -ft, -pt and -st ending blends. You have cookie jar sorting mats with ending blend with four ending blend pictures on the cookies to sort - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting Printable

You are going to see a few way to use these ending blends sorting activities.

Review the Ending Blend Sounds

You can start by reviewing the ending blend sounds for -nt, -lt, -pt and -st. You could also say the words that are on the cookies as well.

Setting Up a Sorting Ending Blends Center

You can see a simple setup fo the ending blends center. You have the sort sorting mats and then the stack of cookies to sort to the correct jar. You can set all four jars as shown.

You could also have the jars all four in a row.

Free Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting with -nt, -ft, -pt and -st ending blends. You have cookie jar sorting mats with ending blend with four ending blend pictures on the cookies to sort - 3Dinosaurs.com

Sorting Ending Blends

You can have them sort the cookies in each of the jars. And then, have them say the word of the picture and the sort to the jar.

If this is your first time doing it, you might want to limit the number of cookies. You could start with one cookie for each jar or two ending blends.

Free Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting with -nt, -ft, -pt and -st ending blends. You have cookie jar sorting mats with ending blend with four ending blend pictures on the cookies to sort - 3Dinosaurs.com

Sorting all the Ending Blends

After you have the ending blends down, you can give them all the ending blend cookies and jars. Then have them say the words and sort the cookie to the correct jar.

Free Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting with -nt, -ft, -pt and -st ending blends. You have cookie jar sorting mats with ending blend with four ending blend pictures on the cookies to sort - 3Dinosaurs.com

Matching Game With Ending Blends

You can also just make a game of matching the ending blends. You can give them 8 cookies and have them match the cookies. You could add more cookies as you get used to the ending blends.

Free Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting with -nt, -ft, -pt and -st ending blends. You have cookie jar sorting mats with ending blend with four ending blend pictures on the cookies to sort - 3Dinosaurs.com

Write Ending Blends

You can also add a writing activity to this blend sorting activity. You can use the writing paper and have them write the words for each cookie and then have them underline the blend in the word.

If they need help with the words you can always write the blend word on the back of each cookie.

Free Cookie Ending T Blends Sorting with -nt, -ft, -pt and -st ending blends. You have cookie jar sorting mats with ending blend with four ending blend pictures on the cookies to sort - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Ending Blends Printables

If you are looking for more ending blends printables to go with this cookie blend sorting activity, then check out the Ending Blends Coloring Pages. You have 16 ending blends with tracing the words or writing the words with vocab cards for the blends.

Ending Blends Coloring Pages with three pictures for each ending blend to trace the word and then color the picture. Or write the word and color the picture with vocab cards to match the coloring pages - 3Dinosaurs.com

Ending Blends Coloring Pages

A great no-prep blend printable that works on ending blends with three pictures for each ending blend and a space to make your won blend with matching vocab cards for the blends.

Ending Blends Coloring Pages with three pictures for each ending blend to trace the word and then color the picture. Or write the word and color the picture with vocab cards to match the coloring pages - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Ending Blends Coloring Pages Printables

  • 16 different ending blend
  • the following ending blends: -ct, -ft, -ld, -lf, -lk, -lp, -lt, -mp, -nd, -ng, -kn, -nt, -pt, -sk, -sp, -st.
  • Page for tracing the word
  • Page for writing in the word
  • Ending blend vocab cards
  • 49 pages
  • Price: $3

What you will find in the Free Cookie T Ending Blends Sorting Printable

  • 4 ending blends sorting mats
  • 4 cards for each blend
  • Ending Blends: ft, lt, nt, pt, and st
  • 5 pages of printables
Free Coookie T Ending Blends Sorting Printable - with 4 ending blends to sort with lt, nt, pt, and st with four matching pictures per each ending blend - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Ending Blend Printables

Blends Coloring Pages: Ending Blend Sound have ending blends sounds. You will find -ct, -ft, -ld, -lf, -lk, -lp, -lt, -mp, -nd, -ng, -nk, -nt, -pt, -sk, -sp, -st. They have a trace or write option.

Ending Blends I Spy Printable has four pages of I spy for ending blends for kids to read the words and find the matching picture.

Ending Blends Small Books has three blends in a book with read, trace, and color. You have the following ending blends: -ct, -ft, -ld, -lf, -lk, -lp, -lt, -mp, -nd, -ng, -nk, -nt, -pt, -sk, -sp, -st.

CVCC Word Family Playdough Mats has two options for the mat with several CVCC endings. A lot of these playdough mats are ending blends. They are great for working on blend words.

Be sure to check out the CVCC wor family prinables. They have several sets of ending blends that you can check out.

Check out all the fun Blends Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Blends Printables on 3 Dinosaurs

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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